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Review: Inarora’s Excursion – Seraph Abell

Inarora's Excursion - Seraph Abell

Genre: Urban Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Demi, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans MTF Reviewer: Rari Get It On Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo About The Book Inarora Beservera, daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of End’oria, never felt concerned by her father’s position. After all, politicians’ families were only targeted in the Corporate States of Naa’ran, right? She’s in for a rude awakening when Naa’ran Supremacists attack her and send her over 50 years into the past! Inarora finds her great-grandpas, who send a letter to the Council of Sorcerers to ask for help. … Read more

Review: Queer Windows: Volume 2 Summer – Cay Fletcher

Queer Windows: Volume 2 Summer - Cay Fletcher

Genre: Romance, Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Trans MTF Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It At Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Apple | Smashwords | Universal Buy Link About The Book Summer can be bittersweet. Too short. Too hot. Full of adventures that can never last long enough. First loves. And lost ones. The second volume in the Queer Windows series brings you four new short stories led by queer characters from across the spectrum. Queer Windows gives a glance at four fantastical, queer love stories. Camp Spinytooth Summer camp is more fun with dragons. And a little ‘friendly’ competition. A Silent Ballad Being a siren without … Read more

Review: The Reluctant Undertaker – Angel Leigh McCoy

The Reluctant Undertaker - Angel Leigh McCoy

Genre: Dark Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Trans MTF Reviewer: Beáta Get it On Amazon About The Book After her mother’s death, Isabella put her dreams on hold to take over the family business—the Fandelli Funeral Home. She’s back in Wyrdwood, single, fighting with her sister, and trying hard not to act out in frustration. It’s hard to be the responsible one, especially when that’s the last thing you want. When the beat drops, people die. After a moonlit rave, a young woman ends up on Isabella’s slab. The evidence suggests it was no ordinary overdose, and more deaths follow. As Isabella … Read more

New Release: Valley of Secrets – H.L. Moore

Valley of Secrets - H.L. Moore

QSFer H. L. Moore has a new queer fantasy romance out (MM, MMF, FF), Death’s Embrace book four: Valley of Secrets. This city of fools will be brought to order! Deposed, her father presumed dead, her friends slaughtered and the cavern in chaos, Grace Harrington is on the run and entirely alone. The only ally she has left is the man she hates most in the world: Nathaniel Morgenstern, the assassin who murdered her mother and seduced her father. Grace’s only hope of reclaiming the throne and saving her people is to seek the aid of Éamon Tadhg, the High … Read more

New Release: Quill and Still – Aaron Sofaer

Quill and Still - Aaron Sofaer

QSFer Aaron Sofaer has a new Queer LitRPG Fantasy book out (Ace, Agender, Aro, Bi, Demi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans MTF): Quill & Still. Sophie Nadash once yearned to understand life and chemistry. Now a disillusioned scientist approaching middle age, she yearns to set aside pipettes and polymerase forever. A chance encounter with the Goddess Artemis sets her on the path to becoming the Alchemist for the rural Shemmai village of Kibosh, where the rat race gives way to peace and the quiet life. Freed from the hustle of Earth, she can relax, make friends, and rediscover … Read more

Review: Empress of Dust – Alex Kingsley

Empress of Dust - Alex Kingsley

Genre: Science Fantasy, Dystopian, Creature Feature, New Adult, Sapphic LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Demi, Non-Binary, Trans FTM Reviewer: Vin, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Publisher About The Book There are monsters outside the city walls. Harvard is small, anxious, and plagued by a constant tremor, which is not an ideal combination for a desert scavenger. He and his crew are under constant threat of desertwalker attacks, and Harvard is nearly useless against them. When the biggest mistake of Harvard’s life separates him from his crew, he must learn the secrets of the desert beasts in order to survive … Read more

Review: A Rhapsody of Rapiers – Amir Lane

A Rhapsody of Rapiers - Amir Lane

Genre: Paranormal Historic Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Demi, Gender Fluid, Trans FTM Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Heavy Metal Blood Box Set About The Book And what fate befalls the undead? Elyes Jaohari never wanted anything more than to travel. When his older brother needs a new cartographer during the Anglo-Spanish War, he jumps at the opportunity. Working under the command of English Captain Westmont, Elyes and his crew make easy work of the Spanish fleets. In exchange, Westmont promises them more money than they can count and free movement through the English world after the war. It seems like the … Read more

New Release: Sword of the Voivode – T.G. Joye

Sword of the Voivode - T.G. Joye

QSFer T.G. Joye has a new MM fantasy book out (cis, trans FTM): Sword of the Voivode. Cyril Valentin believed he’d left his old life well behind him when he ran away to live freely as a New Man. When a former suitor attempts to murder the entire ruling family of Vodomeria- including Cyril- he must choose whether to return to the safety of self-imposed exile or journey home to face both his would-be murderer and his estranged family. Concerned for his young half-brother despite the years apart, Cyril undertakes the journey into the heart of his homeland with his … Read more

New Release: The Edge of a World – JD Rivers

The Edge of a World - JD Rivers

QSFer JD Rivers has a new queer fantasy book out(Bi, Gay, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans FTM): The Edge of a World. A monster lurks under Otar’s skin. It has destroyed lives and Otar lives in fear when it will escape his grasp again. But he isn’t the only thing that seems out of place in this world: a mysterious ancestor, the Ancients, left behind nothing but ruins and questions. After the monster causes a tragic accident, Otar chooses to travel the Seven Lands to find answers instead of being executed. But time is running out. When the summon for a newly … Read more

New Release – Empress of Dust – Alex Kingsley

Empress of Dust - Alex Kingsley

QSFer Alex Kingsley has a new queer fantasy out (asexual, demi, nonbinary, trans ftm), The Bastion Cycle book 1: Empress of Dust. There are monsters outside the city walls.  Harvard is small, anxious, and plagued by a constant tremor, which is not an ideal combination for a desert scavenger. He and his crew are under constant threat of desertwalker attacks, and Harvard is nearly useless against them.  When the biggest mistake of Harvard’s life separates him from his crew, he must learn the secrets of the desert beasts in order to survive the dangers of the dusts. Returning to Bastion with … Read more