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New Release: Midnight Crow – C. R. Collins

Midnight Crow - C. R. Collins

QSFer C. R. Collins has a new queer fantasy out, Tales of Ardonna book 4: Midnight Crow. “Once upon a time, there was a girl who spoke with birds” She’d used her mage powers to build a successful detective agency, but Dhana’s impressive skills might not be enough to save her family. MIDNIGHT CROW is a standalone sequel to the WOODSPELL SERIES and one of the TALES OF ARDONNA. Content Advisory: Contains adult themes and situations, including violence and assault, plus spoilers for previous Modern Era books Universal Buy Link | Payhip Excerpt The gray owl, Ashton, soared to my … Read more

Review: Song of Flames – M.D. Grimm

Song of Flames - M.D. Grimm

Genre: Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Bisexual, Poly Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Amazon | Universal Buy Link | Liminal Fiction | QueeRomance Ink | Goodreads About The Book She tried to steal treasure from the dragons’ hoard… and stole their hearts instead. To save her sister from a lascivious lord, Venya must steal a piece of treasure from a legendary dragon’s hoard. Dragons haven’t been seen in several generations, so imagine her surprise when she wakes not one, but two dragons from their hibernation. While the battle-honed Onyx is intent on having her for lunch, the graceful Gold appears more curious than angered by the theft. Abyss and … Read more

Review: Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice

Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice

Genre: Folklore, Fairy Tale, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian, Poly (some stories) Reviewer: Jay Get It At Amazon | Publisher About The Book During the cold winter months, we mirror the Earth as she lies quiet, waiting for the return of warm days. We gather around yule fires and perform rituals to lure back the sun. Drinking wassail, singing songs and exchanging gifts, some of us tell stories of the longest night. Stories of new love and old magick. Stories of the Holly King and his fight for the season. Of death and lives well lived. Of succumbing to the most feral parts … Read more

New Release: Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice

Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice

Speculation Publications has a new folklore/fairy tale anthology that includes LGBTQ+ tales (lesbian, poly): Yule: Tales for the Winter Solstice. During the cold winter months, we mirror the Earth as she lies quiet, waiting for the return of warm days. We gather around yule fires and perform rituals to lure back the sun. Drinking wassail, singing songs and exchanging gifts, some of us tell stories of the longest night. Stories of new love and old magick. Stories of the Holly King and his fight for the season. Of death and lives well lived. Of succumbing to the most feral parts … Read more

New Release: New Edge Sword & Sorcery #1

New Edge Sword & Sorcery #1

Editor Oliver Brackenbury has a new speculative fiction magazine out that includes LGBTQ+ stories (bi, lesbian, non-binary, poly): New Edge Sword & Sorcery #1. Made with love for the classics, and an inclusive, boundary-pushing approach to storytelling! Seven stories and four non-fiction pieces – 80 pages, ePub & PDF formats. Featuring new, original work by: Digital Format | Hardcover | Paperback Author Bio Oliver Brackenbury grew up around the corner from a five story deep cold war bunker, as one does, and can now be found living not far from a popular 1,815.4 ft tower in Toronto. He mostly writes … Read more

Review: Rise – QSF’s 10th Annual Flash Fiction Contest


Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal, Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Pansexual, Poly, Transgender Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Amazon | B&N | | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords | Thalia | Vivlio | Publisher/UBL About The Book RISE (noun / verb) Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell: 1) An upward slope or movement2) A beginning or origin3) An increase in amount or number4) An angry reaction5) To take up arms6) To return from death7) To become heartened or … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: Wake the Dead – Sophie Whittemore

Wake the Dead - Sophie Whittemore

Sophie Whittemore has a new queer dark fantasy/paranormal mystery out (Ace, demi, bi, gay, gender-fluid, lesbian, non-binary, poly, trans, queer): Wake the Dead. And there’s a giveaway. An ominous presence awakens in the small town of Gamin. Fairies murdered by crazed monsters. Magic that makes immortals lose their minds and their heads (literally). Whispers of a vendetta against the fairy crime lords who own the infamous Kraken Club. One ace siren detective, Lili, is dragged back into defending her turf…and hopefully, she doesn’t die this time around. Warnings: violence, survivors, mental illness. Universal Buy Link | Goodreads Giveaway Sophie is … Read more

New Release: Spyder’s Triumph – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Triumph - Korin I. Dushayl

QSFer Korin I. Dushayl has a new queer erotic space opera out (bi, gay, lesbian, non-binary, poly), The Lady & the Spyder book 5: Spyder’s Triumph. Denial and Decadence. The Predicantor’s hatred for the Lady Cassandra intensifies with every setback his Righteous Order of Piety Purists suffer at the hands of her champions. The price on her head grows and his disregard for collateral damage increases. After a bloody Pietist attempt to overthrow the Abhinav Delhi civic government, the Lady’s slaves employ sabotage, industrial espionage, computer hacking, and other questionable techniques to stop the takeover of the planet Aargine. Lady … Read more

Review: Spyder’s Triumph – Korin I. Dushayl

Spyder's Triumph - Korin I. Dushayl

Genre: Sci-Fi, Erotica, Space Opera (Not Romance) LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon About The Book Denial and Decadence. The Predicantor’s hatred for the Lady Cassandra intensifies with every setback his Righteous Order of Piety Purists suffer at the hands of her champions. The price on her head grows and his disregard for collateral damage increases. After a bloody Pietist attempt to overthrow the Abhinav Delhi civic government, the Lady’s slaves employ sabotage, industrial espionage, computer hacking, and other questionable techniques to stop the takeover of the planet Aargine. Lady Cassandra and Spyder … Read more

Review: Rise Anthology


Genre: Sxci-Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal, Horror LGBTQ+ Category: Asexual, Bisexual, Demisexual, Gay, Gender Fluid, Gender Non-Conforming, Intersex, Lesbian, Poly, Transgender Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book RISE (noun / verb) Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell: 1) An upward slope or movement2) A beginning or origin3) An increase in amount or number4) An angry reaction5) To take up arms6) To return from death7) To become heartened or elated8) To exert oneself to meet a challenge Rise features 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from … Read more