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Announcement: Unbidden Dragon, by Louisa Kelley

Unbidden Dragon

QSFer Louisa Kelley has a new FF book out, and she’s sharing a guest post with us: Greetings Queer Sci Fi! I am thrilled to be hosted on this site today. I’m a queer woman who adores fantasy, science fiction and romance. Now, I’ve finally written the book of my dreams: a spicy, magical story featuring lesbian shape-shifters and dragons. Dragons, people! Yes, another shifter story! It’s been a fascinating journey, finding a place for stories about women loving women in the cyber world of romance websites and promo. I feel like a kind of pioneer, attempting to step through … Read more

MERAKI Comics Unleashes Lesbian Hero

Maraki - Psi

MERAKI unleashes its futuristic Lesbian Hero vs. the Greek Gods of Old! Kickstarter began June 4, 2016! MERAKI (may-rah-kee) follows LGBT hero, Psi, as she battles her way through the realm of the dead! Ares, Zeus, and Hades re-emerge in this epic futurist adventure! A 6-Page Preview can be found at and the Kickstarter at “I wanted a book where the female heroes are cunning, brave and skilled. I wanted characters that represent the vast majority of us tired of one-dimensional tough guys and scantily-clad sirens!” – M.K. Palmer, writer/creator of MERAKI.

Announcements: Club Revenge, by J.M. Dabney

Club Revenge

QSFer J.M. Dabney has a new ff paranormal book out: A family forged in battle. Amora Medina-Jackyl knew one thing well—vengeance. She’d inflicted pain without mercy to those who deserved the punishment. She’d lived by one motto her entire existence– family was to be protected above all else. An ancient cult murdered her parents and siblings when she was little more than a child. The Order of Angelus hadn’t understood the Hell they’d brought down on themselves that one brutal night. Amora was many things in her four centuries. A daughter and a sister, a mother, yet she was best … Read more

Announcement: For the Clan, by Archer Kay Leah

For the Clan

QSFer Archer Kay Leah has a new FF sci fi book out: Canada, 2165 AD. The Water Wars and a decimated economy have taken their toll. Anyone who doesn’t live in a military-patrolled metropolis lives in a clan. But being in a clan doesn’t mean safety. And for a Ven like Roan Lee, it doesn’t matter where he lives. Safety is a luxury. So is freedom. Roan is desperate to escape the governtary’s exploitation and torture. He is nothing to them but 54σK1, an artifact born from a genetic mishap. When the chance to escape arises, he makes a run … Read more

Game Changing Lesbian Vampire Tale Re-Released

Jewelle Gomez

When writer Jewelle Gomez first moved to New York City in 1977, she met an extremely friendly white-haired woman in her apartment building elevator. After exchanging pleasantries, the woman asked Gomez a few questions. “I’m a poet,” Gomez recalls telling her. “Will I have read you?” her neighbor asked. “Oh, no, I haven’t been published,” Gomez replied. After hearing this, the woman’s demeanor changed and she scowled and became slightly agitated. “Don’t wait for them,” she implored. “Do it yourself. Find someone who does printing and put a chapbook together.”… Now 67, she is thrilled by The Gilda Stories comeback … Read more

For Writers: How to Reach Women Who Read FF Fiction

123rf Lesbians - Purchased

Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Michael Barnette: When I ran a publishing house and was trying to increase the available f/f and advertised the hell out of the need, we received no submissions. I did hear from a fair number of lesbians on a forum that most of them didn’t read fiction. The topic just died due to lack of interest. Maybe things have changed a bit and there are more readers now? We know there’s a market out there for FF fiction. But how do you reach it as an author? Does it have its own idiosyncrasies, likes, … Read more

A Lesbian Princess Looks for Love

Lesbian Princess

BuzzFeed has just launched a web series about a lesbian princess who’s on a journey to find true love. The story goes that young Princess Brittania is single and the king and queen are urging her to find a suitable prince to marry. However, she isn’t interested in men, and hopes to find a girl of her dreams instead. Full Story at

Lesbian Superheroes Who Won’t Die Suddenly

Aza Comics

After a recent furor over the untimely death of Lexa in the US apocalyptic drama ‘The 100’, fans of the show have called for more realistic representation of lesbian romance in media. Aza Comics is hoping to buck the trend by creating lesbian superheroes that won’t die so quickly. In its upcoming book series two lesbian superheroes, Genie and Jase, cooperate to overcome various challenges and develop a lasting romance together. ‘Their storylines are based on how they work together as an action duo to fight villains and overcome obstacles,’ writer Jazmin Truesdale told Gay Star News. Full Story from … Read more

The Most Important Lesbian Writer You Never Heard Of

Marijane Meaker

Marijane Meaker isn’t a household name, but she should be. A literary pioneer many times over, she wrote the 1952 novel Spring Fire, one of the first lesbian “pulps,” giving thousands of Americans their first glimpse of a sexually compatible same-sex couple, even if the rules of the genre required that the relationship end badly. Her books about lesbian life in New York City, which appeared between 1955 and 1972, were indispensable guides to a hidden world. And beginning in the 1970s, she was one of the first authors to write for young adults, often telling stories of underdogs and … Read more

For Readers: History of Modern Lesbian Romance

Lesbian Romance

Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Angel Martinez: A lot of queer fiction writers and readers think of lesbian romance as an “emerging” genre. But lesbian romance emerged as a genre in the early 20th century. What are some of the older FF titles you’ve read and most enjoyed? And how has the genre evolved over time? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat