REVIEW: What Blooms Beneath (audio), by A.D. Ellis
Title: What Blooms Beneath Author: A.D. Ellis Narrator: Kory Getman Genre: Sci Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Pansexual, Genderqueer, Intersex Publisher: PUBLISHER Length: 6 Hours 25 Minutes Reviewer: Sharonica Amazon eBook | Amazon Audio About The Book Kellan considers himself lucky to have an adequate existence on earth where, in the year 2044, common citizens toil under the oppressive thumb of a corrupt and unscrupulous government. Kellan dreams of becoming part of the Department of Paranormal, Supernatural, and Fantasy Sciences, but his application is continually denied because he has no extra-sapien blood. Kellan’s simple reality shifts when Rhône unexpectedly enters his life. Rhône, living … Read more