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New Release: The Rosewood Penny – J.S. Fields

The Rosewood Penny - J.S. Fields

QSFer J.S. Fields has a new sapphic fantasy romance book out (intersex, lesbian): The Rosewood Penny. The dragons of Yuro have been hunted to extinction. On a small, isolated island, in a reclusive forest, lives bandit leader Marani and her brother Jacks. With their outlaw band they rob from the rich to feed themselves, raiding carriages and dodging the occasional vindictive pegasus. Thanks to Marani’s mysterious invulnerability, this mostly works out well…until Marani and her quirky band of outlaws plunder the carriage of the very bossy princess Nuria. The princess’s carriage contains not just gold, but a dragonscale comb that … Read more

Review: Rise – QSF’s 10th Annual Flash Fiction Contest


Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal, Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Pansexual, Poly, Transgender Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Amazon | B&N | | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo | Scribd | Smashwords | Thalia | Vivlio | Publisher/UBL About The Book RISE (noun / verb) Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell: 1) An upward slope or movement2) A beginning or origin3) An increase in amount or number4) An angry reaction5) To take up arms6) To return from death7) To become heartened or … Read more

New Release: Shard de Voor – AJ White

Cover - Shard de Voor by AJ White - A drop-shaped red crystal topped by a golden spider and surrounded by hold runes, over a green straited background

QSFer AJ White has a new queer YA fantasy book out (intersex, trans, pan), Tome of Báirseach Book 3: Shard de Voor. Their queen missing, the allied kingdoms of Sanquous have forged an uneasy alliance with the Ilfannde as war rages across the land. Far away, in another realm, a young woman awakens to find her memory gone, along with her freedom. Who is her mysterious saviour, why is he helping her and what will he want in return? Get It At Amazon Excerpt Trapped. Drowning. Black waters turn to choking fumes as I stretch, desperately kicking and straining for … Read more

Review: Rise Anthology


Genre: Sxci-Fi, Fantasy, Paranormal, Horror LGBTQ+ Category: Asexual, Bisexual, Demisexual, Gay, Gender Fluid, Gender Non-Conforming, Intersex, Lesbian, Poly, Transgender Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book RISE (noun / verb) Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell: 1) An upward slope or movement2) A beginning or origin3) An increase in amount or number4) An angry reaction5) To take up arms6) To return from death7) To become heartened or elated8) To exert oneself to meet a challenge Rise features 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: Rise – Queer Sci Fi’s 10th Flash Fiction Contest


Queer Sci Fi has a new flash fiction anthology out: Rise. And there’s a giveaway. RISE (Noun, Verb) Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell: Rise features 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from across the rainbow spectrum, from the minds of the writers of Queer Sci Fi. About the Series Every year, Queer Sci Fi runs a one-word theme contest for 300 word flash fiction stories, and then we choose 120 of the best for our annual anthology. Publisher | Amazon | Apple Books | Barnes & Noble | | … Read more

New Release: In the Pass of Ghosts – K.L. Noone

In the Pass of Ghosts - K.L. Noone

QSFer K.L. Noone has a new queer fantasy romance short out (M-NB/Gender Fluid): In the Pass of Ghosts. Ghosts are real. And now they’re Aric’s problem. Even legendary swordsmen need time off, and Aric and his half-fairy partner Emrys are traveling south to visit Aric’s brother. But, on a stormy night at a roadside inn, an old friend stumbles in nearly frozen, swearing that the mountain pass is haunted … and deadly. With travelers and friends in danger, Aric and Em will try to solve the mystery of the murderous hauntings, but that won’t be simple. Swords aren’t much use … Read more

New Release: Inkbloom – E.D.E. Bell

Inkbloom - E.D.E. Bell

QSFer E.D.E. Bell has a new queer fantasy book out (ace, bi, demi, gay, gender fluid, intersex, lesbian, non-binary, poly, trans), The World of Alyssia book 2: Inkbloom. Xelle is marked as dragonfriend. Arriving at To’Ever under a veil of unease and an uncertain future, she must redefine herself. Again. Inkbloom continues the story of Night Ivy, a wandering bard’s tale of magic and friendship amidst the spires and shadows of the seven towers of Alyssia. The second book in the fantasy world of Alyssia, featuring plant magic, friendship, and dragons. “Like the first breeze of spring after a long … Read more

Review: Awry with Dandelions – J.S. Fields

Awry With Dandelions - J.S Fields

Genre: Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary Reviewer: Beáta Get It On Amazon About The Book When do dreams become reality? Orin sells dandelion latex at a no-name market, barely scraping by. Mette is a princess. Maybe. What Orin does know is that for thirty seconds every night, Mette visits Orin in xir dreams. Orin has long since written the fancy ghost woman off as a recurring nightmare, but when Mette insists upon meeting in real life, Orin’s inner world turns out to be more substantive than imaginary. Along with best friend Blathnaid, Orin embarks on a journey to discover … Read more

Review: Night Ivy – E.D.E. Bell

Night Ivy – E.D.E. Bell

Genre: Quiet Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Demi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Lesbian, Non-Binary, Poly, Trans FTM, Trans MTF Reviewer: Lucy Get It On Amazon | Publisher | About The Book Xelle is sure in her passion for magic, but struggles to find her place within the constructs that enable its study. Night Ivy offers the first verse of a wandering bard’s tale of fancy and fantasy, amidst the spires and shadows of the seven towers of Alyssia. The Review I have never read a better description of anxiety or the thought processes of someone who is neuro-divergent than what … Read more

New Release: Windtaker – Emmy Mears

Windtaker - Emmy Mears

QSFer Emmie Mears has a new queer fantasy book out in the Stonebreaker series (ace, bi, demi, gay, intersex, non-binary, pan, sapphic): Windtaker. Time ticks down to the Reinvocation… In Lahivar, Carin and Culy prepare to track down the remaining hearthstones even as in Haveranth, Lyari works to decimate the life that is finally returning to the Northlands. More than life, magic itself returns in force—and that’s not the only invasion. Carin’s narrow escape from Khardish rebels has left enemies in her wake, and they will stop at nothing to find her, even if it means following her to her … Read more