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Marvel Producer: Queer Characters Are Coming to Marvel Films

Marvel Avengers

A Marvel film boss has addressed the “frustration” about the failure to include visible LGBT characters in the film universe. Despite featuring hundreds of characters across its 20 blockbuster films to date, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has never featured a visible LGBT character, despite many in the source comic books on which the films are based.  Several of the films, including Thor: Ragnarok, did have characters who were intended to be LGBT – but all references to their sexuality have unfailingly ended up on the cutting room floor. It has been alleged that Disney bosses are concerned that … Read more

TV: New Doctor Who Look is Gender Neutral

Doctor Who new look

The first ever female Doctor Who sent fans wild at the Comic Con International show this week by throwing gender labels into a time warp. Actress Jodie Whittaker made a surprise appearance on stage at the Her Universe Fashion Show, giving fans a glimpse of her character’s new trench coat and sonic screwdriver. Look closely at the new coat and you’ll spot the LGBTI rainbow colored embroidery in the coat’s lining and the rainbow motif on the Doctor’s t-shirt. But it’s what she told fans at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego that’s got us all excited. ‘You know what. Any … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Impact Flash Fiction Anthology


Queer Sci Fi is releasing its fourth flash fiction anthology: Impact. The book has just come out! IM * PACT (noun) 1) One object colliding with another 2) An impinging of something upon something else 3) An influence or effect on something or someone 4) The force of a new idea, concept, technology or ideology Four definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell, but only 110 made the final cut. A difficult choice to be made. An object hurtling recklessly through space. A new invention that will change the world. So … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Once Upon a Rainbow V3 Anthology

Once Upon a Rainbow V3

NineStar Press has just released the third volume in the queer Once Upon a Rainbow fairy tale anthology series: Your favorite stories from childhood have a new twist. Seven fairy tales of old with characters across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. NineStar Press | Amazon | Goodreads The Stories Green Things Grow from Cinders by A.E. Ross – Glass slippers aren’t for everyone. Gretel on Her Own by Elna Holst – This time around, Gretel Kindermann is on her own. Or is she? Bremen Town Musicians by Mark Lesney – Loss and love on the road to Bremen Town. The Scent of … Read more

COVER REVEAL/GIVEAWAY: Impact Flash Fiction Anthology


Queer Sci Fi is releasing its fourth flash fiction anthology: Impact. We have the cover reveal here today! IM * PACT (noun) 1) One object colliding with another 2) An impinging of something upon something else 3) An influence or effect on something or someone 4) The force of a new idea, concept, technology or ideology Four definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell, but only 110 made the final cut. A difficult choice to be made. An object hurtling recklessly through space. A new invention that will change the world. … Read more

“Transcendent 2,” review. Jeff Baker, Boogieman in Lavender.

Transcendent 2

                                       Transcendent 2 a Review By Jeff Baker               As this column was going to press, (read; as I was getting off my lazy behind and typing it up) word came that “Transcendent 2” won for best Transgender Fiction at the 2018 Lambda Literary Awards. Congratulations to all involved, starting with editor, Bogi Takacs. Those who want some specifics about just how good this book is, read on. —J.S. Baker “Transcendent 2,” Lethe Press’ second annual collection of Transgender themed speculative … Read more

FOR READERS: Blurring the Gender Spectrum

gender spectrum - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Hank T. Cannon: What books do you like where masculinity/femininity, etc. is portrayed as a continuum? Where characters don’t exist as only binary choices when it comes to gender? Where gender identity is one more piece of a complex puzzle of who characters are, alongside race, class, and sexual identity? I’ve updated and edited the original topic a bit. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat This is a legacy chat.

FOR WRITERS AND READERS: National Idahobit Day


FOR WRITERS & READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia. So I thought I’d ask authors and readers what you would like to see more of – the positive side rather than the negative one. Please note whether you are discussing gay, bi, intersex or trans/gender fluid/endby characters and stories, and what you wanna see – the kinds of characters or plots etc that are lacking. Join the chat Graphic borrowed from IDAHOBIT Australia

VIDEO GAMES: Pink White or Blue Focuses on Gender Identity and Dysphoria

Pink White or Blue

Pink White or Blue is a new video game by Esmada Interactive that follows a young person as they navigate the world unsure of where they belong. In the narrative story, which features some elements of horror, you play a transgender person trying to cope with a binary world. The Game ‘You start Pink White or Blue as a feminine character in a beautiful country ranch, picking flowers and spending time with the horses that roam there. It’s an idyllic life, full of beauty and happiness, but you find pages of a comic book that tell a story of someone … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Writing A Different Gender


FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Tracy Timmons-Gray: What are your recommendations on how to write a character whose sexual or gender identity is different from your own? For instance, there’s isn’t one kind of asexual or gender queer person; authentic representation is often very nuanced. What things do you recommend to try to capture those nuances when writing a character? What do you try to avoid? Join the chat