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We Already Invented the Wheel. Where the Boys Aren’t Part 2. After Stonewall

John Allenson

The first part of discussing the herstory of all women cultures went from the early 20th century up to 1970.  Several people remarked that there hadn’t been queer-positive stories.  We’ve forgotten that part of our heritage when it was virtually impossible to publish positive images of Queer lives.  Many countries had (and still have) laws that forbid positive depictions of so-called alternative lifestyles.  To have any depiction of Lesbian lives it was necessary to have a tragic ending.  It was shocking to have a Lesbian still alive at the end of a story as in The Killing of Sister George.  … Read more

We Already Invented the Wheel. Where the Boys Aren’t – Part 1.

John Allenson

When I started thinking of the topic of women only societies I quickly realized that I perceived of two separate types of story under the same label of ‘Lesbian Utopia’.  While there is a LOT of overlap in the way people have written about societies where a group of women have separated from the mainstream mixed society, (Amazons,) and single-sex worlds I’ve decided to treat the two as separate topics. After all, it’s not as if we talk way too much about women.  I’ll talk about Warrior Women in a later article dedicated to her history.  There is enough information … Read more

We Already Invented the Wheel. Introduction

John Allenson

So, this is my first column and I’ll take the opportunity to introduce myself and the basic topics of this column. I’m what is politely called an Independent Scholar of Speculative Fiction. I’ve delivered two papers on the subject of Aboriginal Canadians in Canadian Futurism. Back in the early 90s I’d edited a bibliography of Queer Positive Speculative Fiction which indicated whether content was Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Other-Gender. I also co-wrote an article for the (sadly) defunct Body Politic on Gay/Lesbian subtext in mainstream comic books. After some 20 years of writing slash, I took a Master Class with the … Read more

For Readers: When is it Romance, and When is it Speculative Fiction?

Here at QSF, we are inclusive of both works that are romancey but have a sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror backdrop, and works that are sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror, but include an LGBTIQA character or relationship. And of course, there’s a big fuzzy middle, too. So we thought we’d ask our readers – where do you draw the line between speculative fiction and romance? And what mix do you prefer and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the … Read more