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FOR READERS: Favorite Spec Fic Magazines and Journals

magazines - Deposit Photos

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFers Scott and Ryane: What are your favorite inclusive spec fic magazines and journals, and why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat: FB:

Are We Living in the Matrix?


It is not often that a comedian gives an astrophysicist goose bumps when discussing the laws of physics. But comic Chuck Nice managed to do just that in a recent episode of the podcast StarTalk. The show’s host Neil deGrasse Tyson had just explained the simulation argument—the idea that we could be virtual beings living in a computer simulation. If so, the simulation would most likely create perceptions of reality on demand rather than simulate all of reality all the time—much like a video game optimized to render only the parts of a scene visible to a player. “Maybe that’s … Read more

The Feminist World of Joanna Russ- Boogieman in Lavender

Joanna Russ

Her literary criticism was blunt and uncompromising. Her humor was sharp and stinging. Her importance to the field of science fiction cannot be underestimated. Best of all, her fiction is still being read, enjoyed and learned from. She is Joanna Russ (1937 -2011.) Here, I must confess that I have not read much of Russ’ work, but I am familiar with it. Her book “How to Suppress Women’s Writing” is a must-read. I sat down with one of her collections; “The Hidden Side of the Moon.” I didn’t quite know what to expect, I certainly didn’t expect her sense of … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: All the Right Places: Short Stories by Wayne Goodman

All the Right Places - Wayne Goodman

Wayne Goodman has a new gay spec fic/romance/historical fiction short story collection out: “All the Right Places.” “All the Right Places” is a collection of short stories, most written for submission to anthologies or collections. Starting in the near future and proceeding to the near past, men interact with other men in the pursuit of love and companionship. Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords | Goodreads Giveaway Wayne is giving away a $25 iTunes gift card with this tour – enter via Rafflecopter: a Rafflecopter giveaway Direct Link: Excerpt Gary had never seen the likes of the boy who just walked into … Read more


Moon Landing - Deposit Photos

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Jim Comer: Some things that used to be in the realm of sci fi have moved into reality over the last 70 years, and are no longer truly “speculative” – how can you speculate about what the first Moon landing might be like? What are some other things that were once sci fi but are no longer in the sci fi realm? Charlie Stoss has a great article about this here. Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: A Quiet Afternoon Anthology

A Quiet Afternoon anthology

There’s a new “low fi” spec fic anthology out that includes some queer stories and others by queer authors – “stories of wonder and the celebration of small successes”: “A Quiet Afternoon.” A Quiet Afternoon brings readers thirteen Low-Fi tales of gentle speculative fiction, stories of wonder and the celebration of small successes. Ease into worlds of quiet triumph and gracious victories; of found families and unlikely friendships; magical constructs, pensive mermaids, fairies and dragons and a barbecue sauce that will literally change your life. The stakes are low. The expectations are reasonable. The resolutions are satisfactory. Wrap yourself up in … Read more


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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Scott: How do you define YA/NA, especially in spec fic? What is and isn’t appropriate for young adult, and for new adult? Writers: This is a reader and writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat: FB:

What Will Drive Us to Extinction First?


The scene opens on a sparse, gray landscape, a gnarled tree in the foreground, bits of ash slowly drifting down from the sky. On the horizon, a few huddled figures stumble forward and into a bleak future. If this sounds familiar, it’s because it’s a common visual trope in many post-apocalyptic films. Usually, these films tell the story of a catastrophe — an asteroid strike perhaps, or a nuclear war — that causes humanity’s demise, and then follows the challenges that the remaining humans face as they try to save their species from extinction. Such films grip the public imagination. … Read more

INNOVATION: Cover Reveal

Innovation eBook cover

It’s gettin’ real, y’all. The marked-up manuscript came back from Ryane last week, and we’ve now heard from just about all of the authors with their changes and approval. Now we upload to Amazon for preorder! And it’s time for the cover reveal! Here’s the eBook cover: And here’s the print cover: Next up? Announceing the Judges’ Choices in about two weeks, and then publication on August 8th. So many great stories!

That’s The Signpost Up Ahead; Jeff Baker, Boogieman in Lavender

  That’s The Signpost Up Ahead                                     By Jeff Baker Somehow in the last few weeks, nostalgia has been flowing freely here. Not the drinkable kind, but a feeling, that wistful mood of nostalgia for days gone by. Writers and other creative types are particularly susceptible it seems, at least this one is. A few songs play on the radio, a package arrives in the mail and then the nostalgia hits. And it brings up memories of a regret. I have been outrageously fortunate: I have lived a life with very few regrets; one of them goes back nearly forty … Read more