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Jupiter Ascending Trailer

OK, so it’s not actually gay, but who doesn’t want to see Channing Tatum in pretty much anything? Non-disclaimer disclaimer – no one has asked us to post this or paid us to do so. I just really wanna see this film: From the makers of The Matrix trilogy comes another futuristic science fiction film – Jupiter Ascending. Jupiter Ascending has Channing Tatum (Caine) and Mila Kunis (Jupiter Jones) as its lead stars. The film will follow the life of Jupiter Jones, an ordinary cleaning lady who always dream of the stars. She is always wondering what is in store … Read more

Elves and Star Cruisers

OK, so every morning, I sit down and figure out what I’m going to write about here. I try to do a bit of a round-robin – a post on sci fi, one about fantasy, and then one on paranormal… and then something about the writing process more generally. Today is Fantasy day. And a couple things have come together for me this morning to suggest a topic. Fantasy intruding into the sci fi world. I’m not talking about other worlds that blend a pastoral setting with a sci fi origin. I’m going a little more hard-core – I’m talking … Read more

Paying Our Debts

The announcement (finally) of the long-awaited Apple Watch, and the related announcement of Apple’s new payment system got me wondering – how will we handle money in the future? If you’ve never seen the movie “In Time”, go rent it now. It’s a fascinating look at a future payment system, in which time really is money. People have a counter on their wrists, and get paid in time. And when your time runs out, you die. Many people are, literally, living from day to day in low-end jobs. I’m not saying we’re actually edging toward that kind of future, but … Read more

The Love Lives of Intergalactic Queers

In the Doctor Who season premiere episode ‘Deep Breath’ nearly a million Australian ABC viewers via BBC simulcast, repeat evening viewing and iView, were treated to an intimate lesbian kiss between Madame Vastra (Neve McIntosh) and wife Jenny (Catrin Stewart), that created quite a stir based on its primetime “family viewing” time slot. Ok, they may have been “sharing oxygen” to avoid detection by cybernetic sword-wielding breath detectors, and one may have been a reptile and therefore not human, and despite being married they may live out their roles as master and servant to be seen as socially acceptable, but … Read more

Homoerotic Covers from the Golden Age of Science Fiction

Christopher Harrity at The Advocate shares some of them with us: When I was a kid, my stepfather amassed an amazing collection of science fiction magazines. He had so many that he had his room lined in bookcases to hold them all. The covers seemed to be sending me messages, hot gay messages. Most of these covers were in my stepfather’s collection. See all the Covers Here

Will Handwriting Be Written Off?

When I was in elementary school, we learned both block writing and cursive. I hated cursive. Some people are able to write in cursive and create beautiful handwriting. Mine always looked scrunched up and messy. I have to say, I haven’t used cursive sense my high school days. Even when I write a letter, well, a birthday card, I use block letters. Nevertheless, I’ve been sad to see a number of articles saying schools are no longer teaching cursive. It has something to do with computers making hand-written communication obsolete, and the fact that people just don’t use it anymore, … Read more

New YA Sci Fi Novel Features Gay Character

IN THE SEA of female-centric young adult novels filling bookstores around the world, Proxy definitely stands out. Written by American author Alex London, Proxy is a sci-fi novel featuring two lead male characters — and one of them happens to be gay. The book narrates the friendship that is formed between Knox, a “patron” who gets everything he wants and his “proxy,” Syd, who takes all the consequences and punishments of his actions. “I did not want to write a ‘gay’ book, or even a book about that relationship. It was just a fact of life. I wanted to write … Read more

It’s Time to Out Some Wizards

Okay, so we all now know that Dumbledore, the head of Hogwarts school of magic in the Harry Potter series, was secretly gay. And we also noted Ian McKellen, who has played Gandalf in the Lord of the rings movies, is also gay, even if the character of Gandalf is not. And I always suspected that Frodo and Sam had little thing going on the side. It’s a proven fact that the more gay people you know, the more likely you are to support LGBT writes, so I think the time is come. My challenge to you today – name … Read more

Where Are All the Gay Sci Fi Films?

Last month, we reported on a planned, to-be-crowdfunded sci fi film, Credence, about two gay parents and their young daughter. It got me thinking. If gays in mainstream sci fi books are few and far between, LGBT characters in sci fi films are practically non-existent. Especially if you discount villains. So here’s my challenge to you today. What gay sci fi novel do you think would translate well to film? Who would star in it? And where on Earth could it be shot to capture the spirit of the book? Just one rule – it can’t be one of your … Read more

BBC Censors Dr. Who Lesbian “Kiss” in Asia

The BBC is facing criticism for self-censoring its Asia broadcast of the first episode of the new Doctor Who series by cutting a lesbian kiss scene, South China Morning Post reports: Thousands of fans missed out on the kiss between lizard-woman Madame Vastra and her human wife Jenny Flint, which the BBC says was cut to comply with broadcasting regulations in Asia. Local gay-rights groups called the edit “outrageous” and “scandalous” and said it was unfair not to treat the kiss the same as a kiss between a man and a woman. The BBC Worldwide’s London-based compliance team made the … Read more