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Announcement: Inheritance, by Lissa Kasey

Inheritance, by Lyssa Kasey

QSFer Lissa kasey has a new paranormal / fantasy book out: Seiran Rou’s life is complicated—he’s the only male in the world allowed to take magic classes in a female-dominant society, his vampire boyfriend, Gabe, is hinting that he wants more, and his mother is demanding a grandchild. But when a co-worker turns up dead on his doorstep, Seiran realizes his problems are only beginning. With the police dogging his steps, a stalker-like bartender watching his every move, and a magic groupie following him around, Seiran is finding it hard to hide his power—a power that if revealed could get … Read more

Announcement: The Stolen Mate, by Cree Storm

The Stolen Mate, by Cree Storm

QSFer Cree Storm has another book out in the “Mystic” series: A meteor attack has changed the world as we know it. Most of the people that survived now have special powers. However, as with all people, some are good and some are evil. There is a group of men that were brought together by the World Council called MYSTIC. MYSTIC is a group of men with multiple powers known as celestials. They are only brought in to deal with Nefariouses. These are men with powers used for their own evil, twisted purpose. Bram is the Director of MYSTIC. From … Read more

Announcement: Ghost’s Dilemma, by Morwen Navarre

Ghpst's Dilemma - Morwen Navarre

Torquere’s Morwen Navarre has a new fantasy book out: “Moon shine on me, Ghost. When you look at me like this, how can I even think of anything but making love to you?” Ghost is content to spend all his free time in bed with Gerry. But scandal and hate surrounding Ghost’s appointment as the first male witch and a deadly epidemic force Ghost to make choices that might cost him Gerry’s love. Spurred on by a message from his mentor, Ghost embarks alone on a journey through mystical underground tunnels and lost civilizations to the frozen lands of his … Read more

“Infected: Paris” by Andrea Speed

Infected: Paris is a novella by Andrea Speed, and a prequel to the Infected series. I had only read Infected: Prey, the first book, before I read this. I really liked Paris. I’m a sucker for a black-haired, blue-eyed beauty. The narrator is mainly Roan McKichan, but there are some Paris point of view scenes as well. If you start with this book, you’ll still get the general set up of the world, which takes place in contemporary Seattle, where everything is essentially the same, except that a small percentage of the population has a cat infection…or turns into a … Read more

Creating New Creatures: Night Vision, Amelia Bishop

QSFer Amelia Bishop has a new paranormal MM romance book out: Hi QueerSciFi-ers! Thank you to J. Scott for having me on the blog to promote my paranormal Romance Night Vision (which released today!!) I’m really happy to be here. :) I thought for my guest post, I’d skip over the Romance part of my writing and focus on the paranormal part. More specifically, the paranormal creatures themselves. Popular creatures, like vampires, werewolves (and/or shifters), Witches, & Fae, populate most of our paranormal fiction. Ghosts, zombies, demons, angels, and other assorted creatures show up often, as well. But what about … Read more

Announcement: Frankie’s Vamp, by Toni Griffin

Amber Quill author Toni Griffin has a new paranormal MM romance out: The second Frankie Reynold’s boyfriend takes a hand to him, he is out of there. Frankie isn’t hanging around to see if the man will do it again. Now, if only his ex-boyfriend will take the hint and disappear from his life. Needing a night out to forget his troubles, Frankie heads to Hot Encounters nightclub…only to come face-to-face with a master vampire who wants Frankie for his very own. Merrick Winters is a five-hundred-year-old vampire bored with life and the monotony of the same men throwing themselves … Read more

Announcement: Fantasy Collection, by Mav Anthony

Mav Anthony at Torquere Press has a new erotic Fantasy book out: Submission and kink are explored in these four fantasy tales featuring two couples. In Willing Fire and Gilded Cage, Simeon gives into his Lord Mikjial’s desires – and his own – falling in love as he serves his master. While in Floating and Soaring, Aaron learns all sorts of wicked things as he bows to Aime’s desires. All stories originally published as individual stories. Excerpt Simeon hurried down the stone halls, slippered feet making no noise as they padded, hurried faster and faster. They had tried to put … Read more

Announcement: Poseidon, by Cree Storm

QSFer Cree Storm has the fifth book out in her Twelve Labors historical fantasy MM series out: Hunter has never liked pompous, overbearing men, and that was Poseidon. When Hunter is told he is Poseidon’s mate he refuses to have anything to do with the God of Atlantis. Fearful of Hera and Aries’ wrath, Hunter is taken to Atlantis, where Poseidon must convince Hunter he is not the man Hunter thinks he is before it’s too late. When Hunter has a run in with mermen determined to go to war against the people from the land below, he decides that … Read more

Strange Pairings

All of us know a couple who seems a little mis-matched – maybe one is really tall and the other is short. Or one is a democrat and one’s a republican. Or one is male and the other is female. I know. Weird, right? But somehow they work. So to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’re gonna talk about strange pairings. As a reader, what strange pairings have you read in LGBT fiction, and liked or hated? And as a writer, have you written any? Or do you want to? Werewolf plus Vampire? Elf plus Dwarf? Earthman plus Martian? Or something more … Read more

Announcements: Gilded Scarab; and Gyrfalcon, by Anna Butler

Today we have a special announcement – a blog post from QSFer Anna Butler, who’s doing a blog tour to promote not one, but two new books: Ever had one of those weeks were someone’s stuck rollerskates under your boots and you’re being whizzed along without feeling you’re still in control? The world is rushing past you and you’re galloping to catch up, trying to cram a lot of real excitement into a very few days? Welcome to my world! Valentine’s Day tomorrow, then next Monday, 16th February, my first novel — a steampunk coffeehouse adventure m/m romance called The … Read more