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Will Handwriting Be Written Off?

When I was in elementary school, we learned both block writing and cursive. I hated cursive. Some people are able to write in cursive and create beautiful handwriting. Mine always looked scrunched up and messy. I have to say, I haven’t used cursive sense my high school days. Even when I write a letter, well, a birthday card, I use block letters. Nevertheless, I’ve been sad to see a number of articles saying schools are no longer teaching cursive. It has something to do with computers making hand-written communication obsolete, and the fact that people just don’t use it anymore, … Read more

New YA Sci Fi Novel Features Gay Character

IN THE SEA of female-centric young adult novels filling bookstores around the world, Proxy definitely stands out. Written by American author Alex London, Proxy is a sci-fi novel featuring two lead male characters — and one of them happens to be gay. The book narrates the friendship that is formed between Knox, a “patron” who gets everything he wants and his “proxy,” Syd, who takes all the consequences and punishments of his actions. “I did not want to write a ‘gay’ book, or even a book about that relationship. It was just a fact of life. I wanted to write … Read more

Building a Magical (Gay) World

QSF member Edmond Manning has graciously allowed us to cross-post this one, which originally appeared on RJ Scott’s blog: I have always loved fairy tales. I love stories sculpted out of ancient prophecy and malicious curses, magic healing tears and quests to recapture jewel-encrusted chalices. The problem is that I always wanted to believe in these stories but I had a hard time letting go of reality and explanations. What powers the spells? How does a 900 lb. unicorn fly through the sky on such delicate, prissy wings? How exactly do you make the jewel-encrusted chalice so that it doesn’t … Read more

It’s Time to Out Some Wizards

Okay, so we all now know that Dumbledore, the head of Hogwarts school of magic in the Harry Potter series, was secretly gay. And we also noted Ian McKellen, who has played Gandalf in the Lord of the rings movies, is also gay, even if the character of Gandalf is not. And I always suspected that Frodo and Sam had little thing going on the side. It’s a proven fact that the more gay people you know, the more likely you are to support LGBT writes, so I think the time is come. My challenge to you today – name … Read more

Where Are All the Gay Sci Fi Films?

Last month, we reported on a planned, to-be-crowdfunded sci fi film, Credence, about two gay parents and their young daughter. It got me thinking. If gays in mainstream sci fi books are few and far between, LGBT characters in sci fi films are practically non-existent. Especially if you discount villains. So here’s my challenge to you today. What gay sci fi novel do you think would translate well to film? Who would star in it? And where on Earth could it be shot to capture the spirit of the book? Just one rule – it can’t be one of your … Read more

Free Gay Shifter Romance on Amazon

This one just dropped from 3.99 to free on Amazon Kindle: Imagine having almost everything you want: a place of your own, mountains to climb, woods to roam–and above all, privacy. It’s Axton’s definition of paradise, because a werewolf needs his space and his secrets. He’s the resident recluse of a sleepy, far flung town hours away from his cabin in the woods, but there’s more than one hidden truth in Axton’s life. The lycanthropy’s enough to make a hermit out of him, but it’s the fact that Axton’s gay and closeted that keeps him shy. Friendship–let alone romance–isn’t an … Read more

BBC Censors Dr. Who Lesbian “Kiss” in Asia

The BBC is facing criticism for self-censoring its Asia broadcast of the first episode of the new Doctor Who series by cutting a lesbian kiss scene, South China Morning Post reports: Thousands of fans missed out on the kiss between lizard-woman Madame Vastra and her human wife Jenny Flint, which the BBC says was cut to comply with broadcasting regulations in Asia. Local gay-rights groups called the edit “outrageous” and “scandalous” and said it was unfair not to treat the kiss the same as a kiss between a man and a woman. The BBC Worldwide’s London-based compliance team made the … Read more

New From TM Smith – Opposites Book 2: Appearances

QSF Member TM Smith has a new book out today: Appearances can be deceiving. Raven and Tanis are trying very hard to merge their vastly different lifestyles, but Tanis issues with his own past could prove to be more than their fragile relationship can handle. Is their love for each other strong enough to weather the oncoming storm? Aiya and Sawyer have fought hard to be together in a world where Opposite relationships are generally forbidden. Yet, they are still forced to keep their relationship a secret while they are outside the walls of House Gaeland. Everyone assumes that the … Read more

Magic in the Everyday World

For today’s column on writing and reading LGBT Fantasy, I thought I’d go in a little bit different direction. Most of our previous discussions have focused on high fantasy – elves and dwarves in the tradition of Tolkien or epic fantasies like Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time, or the idea of Faery and its interaction with the real world. But what about stories that dip their toes into the fantasy pool, but in a more subtle way? These stories are often called “magical realism”, and can involve a touch of the supernatural, the unexplained, or simply something a little outside … Read more

“Cuttlefish Shifter Gangbang”

Cindy Wang over at Dot429 dips her toe into shifter world: It’s no secret that the genre of supernatural fiction, especially supernatural romance, has thrived in recent years. Shapeshifters–generally werewolves–are a magnet for fan fascination. Shows like MTV’s Teen Wolf (somehow) continue to be successful, and even vampire-centric franchises such as True Blood and Twilight have a strong werewolf contingent. So, it’s also no surprise that some stories have stretched the shapeshifter fad to include all sorts of creatures. (Well, the cuttlefish were a surprise.)… And now, as promised, the gay cuttlefish porn. I’m not sure if these title puns … Read more