Announcement: Lost Boys 2.0, by Gina Storm Grant
QSFer Gina Storm Grant has a new paranormal book out: Book #2 in the Tales of B.O.O. Series (NOTE: You do not need to have read B.O.O #1, Shift Happens, to enjoy Lost Boys 2.0.). Thaddeus Wright would love to forget his childhood. A bi-racial bastard orphaned at four, he was the very definition of sin, according to the strict and disapproving grandparents who raised him. Twenty years later, Thad works with at-risk youth as both coach and counselor. Even after his grandparent’s spare-the-rod, spoil-the-child parenting, Thad just wants to help people. But when three young boys he coaches go … Read more
Where Are Our LGBT Time Travel Stories?
Today’s topic comes from QSFer Tammy Jenkins: “How about a discussion thread that looks at successful books/series/TV programs in heterosexual literature/entertainment that is either not being written in the LGBTIA or is underwritten in the LGBTIA or has yet to be done successfully. For the sake of this conversation, I will call this topic, Where is ours? Cyberpunk, Time Travel, Serious Sci Fi?” Let’s start with Time Travel stories. There have been some great mainstream sci fi tales, going all the way back to HG Wells and The Time Machine to more modern takes like The Time Traveler’s Wife. So … Read more
Is Gay Dinosaur Erotica a Thing?
“The year is 2014 and dinosaurs have gained control of the world economy due to exceptionally accurate stock predictions. After graduating from NYU with a business degree, John is hired to be the assistant for one of the largest trading firms on Wall Street. His boss, the CEO of the company is highly regarded as the best businessman of the century. Only difference is that he is a dinosaur.” So goes the synopsis of A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay, one of prolific erotic novelist Hunter Fox’s massive collection. Romance novels are cheesy by definition. That’s their job — … Read more
Announcement: Batting Cage, by Crawford Rhine
QSFer Crawford Rhine has a new sci fi book out: In this world populated only by men, Brand is the uncommon man who is sexually attracted to them, which comes in handy when he is delivered to his new Master in a cage. Excerpt Brand is a marked man in a world of unmarked men. The mark identifies him as someone who is eligible to go into Service. He has been ready for this opportunity for years and thinks it will never happen. Brand moves on with his life until he receives a call from a Master, Trent Parks. He … Read more
Freaky Friday, Gender Edition
Today’s topic comes to us from QSFer Hendrik de Jong: “How about the ability to move minds into different bodies .. and then explore a character who is male and instantly is put in a female body (or vice versa) .. and explore people who do or do not want to be in the body of the opposite sex. Allsorts comes to mind … how to deal with the sexual organs, or menstruation pains for the first time, or attraction and sex?” There was a comic book series called Camelot 3000 a few years back, where the Knights of Camelot … Read more
News: Trapped By Trash
Fretting over space junk is universal among people who care about satellites or space travel. Even partisans in Congress agree that it is a problem. “The scientists who predicted climate change started the same way I did,” [space-junk expert and astrophysicist Don] Kessler muses. “They were thinking about what would happen if we keep dumping things into the air around us. I was thinking about what happens if we do it in space.” Yet space pollution talks have not been poisoned by political division. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican from California and a climate change skeptic (“CO2 is not a … Read more
Your Favorite LGBT Sci Fi Series
QSFer Tammy Jenkins brought to my attention that the Queer Sci Fi Facebook discussion group’s focus seems to be mainly on writers and writing issues. While that’s not surprising given that we have a strong group of LGBT fiction writers in our membership, I ultimately want to make this group a place where both writers and readers can participate. And we writers are readers too, right? So I’m going to initiate some more topics, sprinkled in amidst our daily mix, of direct interest to readers of LGBT sci fi, fantasy and paranormal. I encourage everyone to participate. :) Our initial … Read more
Announcement: The Fifth Son, by Blaine D. Arden
QSFer Blaine D. Arden’s Fantasy novel The Fifth Son comes out on 11/28: In a land where magic is commonplace, Prince Llyskel has none. He can’t command spells, he has never been taught to fight, and as the fifth son of the King, he will never rule. Everyone believes he’s a weakling, most of all himself. Powerlessness is Llyskel’s problem—and his pleasure. In his secret fantasies, the prince dreams of nothing more than finding himself helpless at another man’s hands… particularly the hands of Captain Ariv of the Guards. Then Ariv makes Llyskel’s dream a reality, and as the powerless … Read more
Is The World Ready For A Gay Superhero?
Perhaps inspired by the casting of openly queer actor Ezra Miller in the title role of The Flash (set to hit the big screen in 2018), TheWrap asked a number of Hollywood’s out and prouds (plus a few allies) to weigh in on Hollywood’s recent LGBT superhero surge — both in terms of the characters themselves and the people who play them. While the casting of gay, lesbian, or bisexual actors in superhero or villain roles is hardly novel (witness Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold on the TV version of The Flash, John Barrowman as Malcom Merlyn on Arrow, or … Read more