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A Little Magic and Some Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. “Three Left Turns to Nowhere” reviewed.—–Jeff Baker, Boogieman in Lavender

Jeff Baker - Boogieman in Lavender

A Little Magic and Some Grilled Cheese Sandwiches By Jeff Baker Sometimes the road less traveled gets blocked by a falling tree. “Three Left Turns to Nowhere” Bold Strokes Books new anthology of three interconnected M/M romance novellas features stories by Jeffrey Ricker, J. Marshall Freeman and ‘Nathan Burgoine. All three stories are set in a little Ontario town called Hopewell, a town the locals say may have a bit of magic to it, at least where it comes to bringing people together. The three protagonists (all on the LGBT spectrum) are all on their way elsewhere (separately) when circumstances … Read more

NEW RELEASE: Amgine – Amara Lynn

Amgine - Amara Lynn

QSFer Amara Lynn has a new MM paranormal romance out, Yverwood Witches book 3: Amgine. After losing his boyfriend, Joel, in an accident, Niko moves back home to Yverwood. He’s trying to move on with his life. Except there’s just one problem. His new apartment might be haunted. With some help from his childhood best friend Cole, and his sibling ghost whisper, Niko might be able to move on… That is, if he can let go of the ghosts of his past and present, and focus on the future that’s right in front of him. Amgine is an 9300 word … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: To Bring Him Home and Other Tales – Warren Rochelle

To Bring Him Home and Other Tales - Warren Rochelle

Warren Rochelle has a new queer SFF anthology out: To Bring Him Home and Other Tales. And there’s a giveaway! We all need a place to call home, a place where we belong, and are safe, and loved. For the lovers in these stories, finding home is easier said than done. Quests must be taken; dragons must be slain. Rocket launchers need to be dodged. Sometimes one might have to outrun the Wild Hunt, and sometimes they have to reimagine and recreate home. But these lovers do find homes, homes in each other’s hearts. Publisher | Amazon | Barnes & … Read more