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For Writers: Writing Fan Fic

Princess Leia

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Are you ever inspired to write a little fan fiction in homage to your favorite stories? I occasionally write prose and poetry for personal pleasure about some of my favorite characters. Join the chat

Asta’s Annotation: MM Fiction and the Female Gaze

Asta's Annotations

We hear a lot about the male gaze in the arts, but what about the female gaze, especially when it comes to MM fiction?

It is no secret that women make up a high percentage of gay romance writers and readers. I, myself, number among them. The question I thought I’d raise today is what influence this prevalence of women has upon the genre. Does it even affect it at all?

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Jeff Baker – Boogieman In Lavender: Queering Old Stories

Jeff Baker

Gaying The Story Up; or “Keep It Light, Keep It Bright, Keep It Gay.”   by Jeff Baker               I’ve done it. At least I’ve tried it. Taking a story I’ve written and making it appealing to an LGBT market by inserting a gay theme or character or making a character gay. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.             There was a riff on the superhero genre I wrote about ten years ago. Couldn’t sell it, and then I saw a market for an LGBT-themed anthology. So, I tweaked the story a little, made one of the characters in the … Read more

For Writers: When is it Done?

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Alicia Nordwell: “How do you know when a story is finished?” It’s a great question, both in general – how long do you keep going? And specifically – what ending will wrap up the story best and in the most satisfying way? And of course, is it in good enough shape editing wise to let it go out into the world? Join the chat

For Writers: Using Queer History

castro History

We have so much history, a lot of it buried and only lately coming to light. It can be a springboard for so many things, including alternative history, sci fi, even paranormal or fantasy explorations of our collective past. So have you ever used real queer history in your stories in any way? How might you go about it in the future? Join the chat

For Writers: Fan Art

Fan Art

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: From my nephew (10 years old), Authors, do you mind when people send you fan art? (For context, he sees a lot of the book covers when I do reviews, and often reads them when I post them. He sometimes likes to re-imagine the covers, or I will read him the description of the main characters and he will draw something based on that.) Join the chat