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FOR READERS & WRITERS: Should Graphic Novels & Audio Books “Count”?

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Denise Dechene: There was a twitter post about a teacher sending home notices about reading material for kids for credit. The notice specifically said that audible books, comics or picture books were not counted. What do you think – should comics, picture books and/or audible books be counted in reading challenges or credits? Writers: This is a reader & writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR READERS: Mixing Flavors

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Angel Martinez: How do your genre patterns look? Are you a staunch one genre kind of person? Are you a genre collector/gourmand? Do you binge on one, then move on to another? Or do you crave a certain mix? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS: Vampires!

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Vampires – I love them. The older and more violent, the better. How do you feel about them? What do you want more of, and what has gotten a bit old and cliche? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

FOR READERS & WRITERS: Series vs. One-Offs

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: What are readers’ and writers’ perspectives about writing series vs. one-off stories? Do you like to invest in more than one book? What about writers – do you find it more rewarding (and profitable) to do a stand-alone book or a series? Writers: This is a reader and writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR READERS AND WRITERS: Favorite Writing/Literary Feeds?

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FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: What are some of your favorite writing and literary social media accounts? Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc? And why? Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

FOR READERS: Talk About Tolkien

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FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Kari Trenten: Did you grow up reading Tolkien? Were you a hobbit (or an orc) before it was cool? let’s talk about our Tolkien memories, and our favorite works of his (and why). Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

#OWNVOICES: People of Color

We’re starting a new thing on Saturdays on the QSF Facebook group – #ownvoices. Each week, we’ll feature a different group of writers who don’t get the attention they should. Today, we’re featuring authors who are people of color and who write similar characters. #ownvoices If you’re an author of color, tell us about yourself, your experiences author, and the books you write (especially those with similar characters – with links, please). If you’re not, you can still participate – share your favorite PoC authors and their works that include those characters. Note: This is NOT a chat to list … Read more

FOR READERS: Antiheroes

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Readers, who writes excellent antiheroes, and what do you like about them? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat