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Finding the Time

I’ve always wanted to be a published writer, but with a full-time other job (actually more like time and a half), it’s been easy these last few years to find excuses not to write. Because writing isn’t easy. It’s often hard, mind-breaking work, coming up with the story, working out the plot, and the day-to-day grind of actually putting it to paper. So why do it? I find there’s something deep within me that I access when I write – a creative wellspring that may be hard to reach, but that’s so rewarding when it’s finally tapped, when the story … Read more

Science Fiction’s Queer Problem

Found this great post on Sci fi has a problem with gay and lesbian characters. This is especially true of TV science fiction, but print is almost as guilty, and most games with a sci fi flavour are exercises in testosterone-fueled head-stomping (which, while good fun, does not generally make for nuanced or diverse characters). I can probably name on the fingers of maybe both my hands the number of gay or lesbian characters I’ve come across in the genre as a whole, across all media. For a category of fiction predicated on imagining worlds stranger than and off … Read more

Sci Fi vs. Mundania

I’ve been working on a few stories for submission to Dreamspinner – a gay romance publisher. Most of them have had a bit of a sci fi twist – but my latest one, Translation, is a straight-ahead mainstream romance short. It’s a little weird for me – I enjoyed writing it, but I missed having the twist. I’m not sure that I enjoy writing mundane fiction, even if it is gay-themed. I finished my second draft and sent it off to several people (including my hubby) for review – so far one rave. We’ll see if Mark likes it. Now … Read more

Writing Three Stories at Once

At the moment, I’m working on three separate pieces. All of them are short stories, though two verge on being novellas. The first is Oberon, my love story on a foreign world that’s been split in two. I’m having a lot of fun working with Jameson, a shy geologist, and Xander, a leather-wearing wingman with a lust for danger. The second is my background series on Forever – my novel I wrote and sent out maybe 15 years ago (to a chorus of rejections) – I’m writing a group of novellas that lay out (for me and the reader) the … Read more