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Promotions Week: Social Media and Reviews

Promotions Week

It’s time for another theme week at Queer Sci Fi. This time around, we’re talking promo. :) Here are our topics for the week: Promotions Week: Where to Get Started – making a schedule Promotions Week: What to include – Guest Post vs. Announcement vs. Cover Reveal Promotions Week: Keywords and Categories Promotions Week: Social Media and Reviews Promotions Week: Physical Promo Options Promotions Week: Contests and Giveaways Day Four: Social Media and Reviews Today we’ll tackle a couple more aspects of online promotion – social media and reviews. Social media has taken on an increasing share of overall web … Read more

Promotions Week: Keywords and Categories

Promotions Week

It’s time for another theme week at Queer Sci Fi. This time around, we’re talking promo. :) Here are our topics for the week: Promotions Week: Where to Get Started – making a schedule Promotions Week: What to include – Guest Post vs. Announcement vs. Cover Reveal Promotions Week: Keywords and Categories Promotions Week: Social Media and Reviews Promotions Week: Physical Promo Options Promotions Week: Contests and Giveaways Day Three: Keywords and Categories When you’re promoting a book, there are so many things to keep track of. But one of the most basic of these is which keywords to use … Read more

Promotions Week: Guest Post vs. Announcement vs. Cover Reveal

Promotions Week

It’s time for another theme week at Queer Sci Fi. This time around, we’re talking promo. :) Here are our topics for the week: Promotions Week: Where to Get Started – making a schedule Promotions Week: What to include – Guest Post vs. Announcement vs. Cover Reveal Promotions Week: Keywords and categories Promotions Week: Online Promo – Social Media, Reviews and Guest Posts Promotions Week: Physical Promo Options Promotions Week: Contests and Giveaways Day Two: Guest Post vs. Announcement vs. Cover Reveal OK, so you’ve got your blog tour organizational thingy set up – your excel spreadsheet, your big notepad, … Read more

Promotions Week: Where to Get Started / Making a Schedule

Promotions Week

It’s time for another theme week at Queer Sci Fi. This time around, we’re talking promo. :) If you’re an author, you’re gonna have to promote your work at some point. And if you’re like me, you’re fairly new to the whole process, and the thought of it strikes terror in your bones. Fear not – we’re hear to help. All this week, we’ll be talking shop, asking questions and sharing info. Here are our topics for the week: Promotions Week: Where to Get Started – making a schedule Promotions Week: What to include – Guest Post vs. Announcement vs. … Read more

Discussion: Making it All Up


Today’s topic comes from QSFer Blaine D. Arden: “What are your favourite things to make up while writing SciFi/Fantasy/Paranormal? (not counting magic, but not quite excluding it, either)” One of the best parts of being a writer is being able to make up things. New worlds. New ideas. New turns of phrase. It gets the creative juices flowing, churns the imagination. Only later do you get into the soul-grinding process of churning out the actual written word. So let’s hear it – what do you like to make up? Come join the discussion!

Discussion: F/F Authors Rule the World (or at Least QSF)

Lesbian Couple

For today’s discussion, we’re thrilled to host our first F/F takeover of the QSF discussion group. Today is your chance to talk all things F/F and speculative fiction. Have a favorite book or author? Tell us about it. Do you write F/F? Tell us about that too. We talk about M/M fiction here all the time, so it’s time to turn the tables. Come join the discussion!

Angel’s Bits: Mainstream Publishers – Open Submissions

Mainstream Publishing

The question came up on the group the other day – what mainstream publishers are accepting unsolicited submissions? We were talking about efforts to increase the presence of queer characters in mainstream spec fic, you see, so it was an inevitable question. For the purposes of this group, we’ll only be discussing publishers that are looking for spec fic. Romance is another animal entirely, existing in a parallel dimension (this is not to imply in any way that the enormous romance industry is somehow less in any way – it’s just a different topic with a certain amount of crossover … Read more

Discussion: Bending the Mainstream


Another fun topic today. There are so many mainstream/straight stories out there. Growing up, most of us were immersed in a sea of heterosexuality. As we’ve discussed many times in this group, there has historically been a real lack of LGBT representation out in the world culturally – in film and in literature. That’s changing now, but there are still many iconic books, shows and films that have virtually no LGBT content. Here’s your change to change that. If you could take a current mainstream sci fi/fantasy/paranormal story (film, book, etc) and give it a real LGBTQI/QUILTBAG twist, which series … Read more

Discussion: Is Mainstream Speculative Fiction Hostile to LGBT Characters?

Asimov's Sci Fi magazine

Up until I “discovered” (I know, like Columbus “discovered” the Native Americans LOL) the sci fi/fantasy/paranormal part of the MM Romance market a couple years back, I had mostly read mainstream sci fi and fantasy. And I had run across very few LGBT characters in my travels there. In fact, I can count on one hand the truly LGBT sci fi or fantasy books I had read. So now it’s become a bit of a passion of mine to help bridge the two worlds. To bring the energy and passion and characters from not just the MM romance side but … Read more

Discussion: Using Descriptive Language


Today’s topic comes from QSFer and Admin Angel Martinez: “How about descriptive language? What pet peeves do you have in authors’ descriptions in stories? (too long, certain items, certain words, etc.).” I’m on the fence with this one. One the one hand, I almost fell asleep reading one of Jean M. Auel’s Clan of the Cave Bear books, where the devoted something like TWENTY NINE PAGES in an epic data dump describing all the plants and herbs of the prehistoric period – an apparent effort on the author’s part to show off all the stuff she had learned during her … Read more