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Bewitched, Bewitched, You’ve Got Me In Your Spell—Jeff Baker, Boogieman in Lavender


Bewitched, Bewitched, You’ve Got Me In Your Spell by Jeff Baker AUTHOR’S NOTE: As I mentioned last month, this column was intended for October and Halloween but maybe it fits for the Thanksgiving season too! ——jeff If there’s one fantasy sitcom that is perfect viewing for LGBT viewers year-round, especially during the Halloween season it’s probably “Bewitched,” the magical comedy that starred Elizabeth Montgomery as a witch happily married to a mere mortal. Not only does the series feature several LGBT performers but its themes of accepting “the other” are something an audience doesn’t have to be Gay to understand … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Snow

Tubular model for fluid dynamics.

Physics is weird. Of course, I mean that in the most respectful way possible, but physics is weird. Weak forces and strong forces and thermodynamics. Fluid dynamics. Quantum mechanics. I sort of understand most of it, but did science, as a whole field, really have to make the whole thing as opaque and esoteric as possible? For instance, I was reading articles on the probability of snow falling upwards under the ice sheets covering Europa. Super cool stuff. I had to crawl through about six articles packed full of the science lingo before I figured out what was going on. … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Meltdown

Computer chip

I guess Google had a meltdown? It lasted long enough for people to notice? I must have been at the day job when that happened and missed it. It’s pretty funny how weird that sounds. I first jumped online as a wee teenager back when AOL and Netscape were the major players, when dial up was the only way to get online. When the first Diablo game was super popular. If something like Google crashed back then, we’d collectively shrug and find a different search engine. No big deal. Not to get political about this, but this is why monopolies … Read more

Boogieman In Lavender: Ban This Book!!!!! (Now That I Have Your Attention…)

books - deposit photos

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I had planned on running something for Halloween (in fact had it already been written.) But disturbing trends call for something else for this, the October of our discontent. October is in the air. Halloween, falling leaves, football. And book bans and challenges are roaring into high gear. A decade or so ago, Conservative talk radio would grumble about “The American Library Association and their Banned Book Week,” claiming that “no books are being banned” even as they slyly attempted to remove books from libraries and bookstores. Now, with more conservative-friendly judges and organizations energized we see supposed … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: White

Great White Shark with his nose poked out of the water, grinning.

Something that can eat an orca just blows my mind, but the Megalodon is something vastly different from the standard shark. Scientists call this giant water beast a super-apex predator. Leaving that ridiculous and terrifying thought aside, because seriously I love the ocean and everything in it, and anything that could eat me and not even notice it pretty damned wild, Megalodons are basically sharks on steroids. I love sharks, not gonna lie. Had a baby leopard shark almost bite my finger off when I was a kidlet and I’ve loved these too curious giant babies ever since. Just another … Read more

George Cecil Ives – Boogieman in Lavender

books - deposit photos

George Cecil Ives was gay before it was cool and openly gay before that was accepted. He was British and founded a secret society for “Homosexuals” called “The Order of Chaeronea” named after a battle where male lovers of the Theban Band had been slaughtered nearly 1500 years before. Ives co-founded what became the British Sexological Society, one of the first groups to take the study of human sexuality seriously. He knew Oscar Wilde personally and knew Lord Alfred Douglas intimately. And he was a writer. He wrote poetry, one novel and plenty of non-fiction. We know all this, because … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Shaun

Artemis - NASA

It always surprises me when NASA is about to do something major, and their collective goofiness as people and nerds smacks me right in the face. The Artemis launch is one such example, though there have been many. The Mission Control mohawk guy is probably still one of my favorites. I have no doubt the Artemis mission will be a success, and with it humanity’s ambitious plan to set up the first major part of our path to Mars. It’s a wildly exciting time for space nerds like me and I’m vibrating in my chair with anticipation. A lot of … Read more


International Space Station floating right above curved edge of Earth.

I saw this in the news a few weeks ago and only got around to reading what was going on in the last couple of days. I gotta say, I’m pretty damned sad its come to this. Russia has decided it will no longer participate in the ISS after 2024. This ISS is an amazing triumph for humanity, not just the US and Russia. It was a symbol of hope for a lot of people, that no matter what drama was happening on the political stage, those who could actually do good for our world were still working together without … Read more