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Sources of Inspiration: Recharging

We’re in the middle of NaNoWriMo right now. It’s a time of supercharged creative tension. People are scribbing and typing, trying to churn out 50K words before the month ends. It can also be a time of staring at the blank page or words written, contemplating a corresponding blank space in one’s head. All the while, the writer wonders what happened to their inspiration, their desire to write this particular story? How do they move forward from that blankness, even if it’s just a little? I’m only too well acquainted with this blankness. I’ve stared at my empty page, feeling … Read more

Gay Writers from History – Discussion

For today’s topic, and my last post for 2017, I thought we could discuss some of our favourite LGBT writers from history. I know a huge number of my favourite writers from the past were LGBT. Many are the obvious, famous names such as Tennessee Williams, Oscar Wilde, Rimbaud, and Verlaine. Not to mention Marlowe and Shakespeare, if you go along with the suppositions about the two of them.

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Boogieman in Lavender – Wilde Stories 2017

Jeff Baker

Yes, there’s a gay version of Ronald Reagan in here, in one of the stories of Lethe Press’ Wilde Stories. The alternate history version of the former President is only one of the surprises in the 2017 edition of the year’s best gay speculative fiction edited by Steve Berman. “Frost,” by ‘Nathan Burgoine borrows from “Frosty the Snowman” but in subtle ways (the mention of the broomstick was worth a smile!) and adds another origin story, as well as a poignant statement about the nature of magical transformations. “Where’s The Rest Of Me?” by Matthew Cheney (the aforementioned alternate Ronald … Read more

LGBTQ Science Fiction and Fantasy in the 1990s

The 1990s saw a huge increase in the positive portrayals of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer (LGBTQ) characters in all parts of the genre: literature, anime, manga, comics, even some television and movie characters. Character-driven fantasy and science fiction became more popular, as did game-driven fiction and fandom. Different kinds of science fiction, fantasy and horror became a global phenomenon via the Internet. Cyberpunk-influenced science fiction with out queer characters, urban fantasies with LGBTQ characters, queer horror and television, movies and comics which celebrated queer subtext, all became more visible to mainstream audiences. One change in this decade was … Read more

Sources of Inspiration: Vulnerability

I’ve been thinking about vulnerability a lot lately. Every time I use a form of social media, I feel vulnerable. Do I feel brave enough to post this? I constantly ask myself this question. It’s exciting, but it’s scary, too. I don’t know who’s out there, who’s listening. At least some of them may be enemies. By using a social medium, I’m exposing myself and my stories to them. The bright side is that there are friends out there, too. There are allies. There may even be those special readers I dream of connecting with. Readers I’ll enchant and inspire, … Read more

Boogieman In Lavender: How I Became a Bisexual Author – Jeff Baker

Jeff Baker

Notice that it is not “How I Became a Bisexual Author.” That part is easy. As a Bisexual, I would be a Bisexual author whether I was writing about spaceships or hog futures. Lately there’s been a lot of talk about “Bisexual erasure,” Quite often, a Bisexual who is involved with someone of the same gender will be assumed to be Gay. Likewise, a Bisexual involved with an opposite gender partner is assumed to be straight. And often the Bisexual in question will just let the assumption slide by uncorrected. (A friend of mine said he had to come out … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Moriarty

See that pretty dragon-scale Betta I set as the feature image? That’s the infamous Moriarty. He sits on my desk, my evil co-writer. Moriarty, while a great co-writer, is an evil asshole. I’m not kidding. He’s mean, flashy, and loves to fluff up every time I come close. He’s also an attempted murderer. The poor gold snail that shared his tank for a week had to be moved. I also have Mycroft, an aloof and beautiful Betta that sits on my nightstand, as well as the Baker Street tiger barbs, Watson and Holmes and Lestrade. They’re feisty, curious and love … Read more

Out of the Past – LGBTQ Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror in the 1980s

The Northern Girl

The 1970s, famed as an era of free love, political protests and hallucinogen-fueled utopias, gave way to the era of punk and New Wave, AIDS, and the politics of Reagan and Thatcher in the more conservative 1980s. And science fiction, fantasy and horror followed suit, with hard-edged military science fiction, dystopian visions, anti-hero sword and sorcery, vampires and of course, cyberpunk. None of these, on the face of it, seemed any more LGBT-friendly than the sfnal works of the previous decade, yet the number of portrayals of LGBT characters over the course of the decade more than quadrupled. This was … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Occluded

As if the tales and exploits of Vikings weren’t enough to prove their badass nature, I’ve got something that will prove it for all time: sólarsteinn and it’s companion sun board. In the history of the ancient world, those civilizations capable of seafaring were considered the top of pyramid. The oceans, seas and great rivers presented a lot of a society’s resources and wealth, and the ability to harvest that wealth was paramount to a success society. Of course, some were more daring than others when it came to the oceans. Vikings, of course, got crazy with it. There’s even … Read more

Sources of Inspiration: Music

One of the earliest memories is of hearing Albioni on Sesame Street. The viewer observed a close up of a dandelion while the music played. This moment stayed with me along with many of Sesame Street’s more humorous numbers. Years later, I watched the original Cosmos, open mouthed, while Vanglis’s ‘Alpha’ played to a series of images showing evolution. Music had always had a profound effect on me. It didn’t end with listening and feeling. I remember listening to Depeche’s Mode’s ‘Music for the Masses’. Images played out in my imagination along with David Gahan singing ‘Never Let Me Down … Read more