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Sources of Inspiration: Power

It’s alluring. It takes on many forms. It corrupts when hoarded. It strengthens many, when shared. It can be used to exploit entire nations, to ravage individuals of their self-respect, to prey upon the vulnerable. It can lift a person to lofty heights they’ve never dreamed of.  Power can be used for great good or great evil; for it can bestow greatness or reveal how small the wielder truly is.  What will you do with power? How will it change your characters? How will it effect everyone around them? Power can be the stuff of legends or nightmares. How it … Read more

“…Until It’s Sold…” – Boogieman In Lavender

I’ve been getting back into the groove of writing in the New Year after slowing down on doing longer stories. I actually have a list of longer stories I started that are unfinished. (“In progress,” as I say.) I’ve also been submitting stories to various markets online. I can do the last bit because I’ve been writing a lot of stories over the last decade or so and I have a lot that never sold. Some editors dismiss that as “in the trunk” stories but I disagree. Legendary writer Robert A. Heinlein once listed some rules for writers. Among them … Read more

Sources of Inspiration: Dualities

Light and dark; the light casting a shadow. Good and evil struggle against each other, manifesting often in surprising forms.  These are not just the stuff of stories, but the stuff of legends.  I call them into question whenever I write. What is good? What is evil? What do we associate light with goodness while we fear the dark? True, there are things lurking in the dark that frighten us, but the light can burn and blind us.  I wasn’t certain if some of the striking dualities in fiction even existed in reality.  Now, I find myself wondering if they … Read more

Jeff Baker, Boogieman In Lavender: “All That We Can Do.” January 11, 2025

All That We Can Do by Jeff Baker There’s a meme floating around the web; a quote to the effect that you should thank the part of you that helped you get through this year before you start listing the improvements you’re going to make this year. That got me thinking. I post a monthly progress report about my writing. Listing how much stuff I finished, what I worked on and any sales and the like. I look through them and I get a little discouraged about my progress and my career. But I shouldn’t. I have published at least … Read more

Sources of Inspiration: Safe Spaces

As I grow more and more fragile, I feel increasingly unsafe.  Plot may thrive on conflict, but I need a place, a space, and a time to channel that conflict into words. I need a place of safety to write.  All my life, I’ve felt as if I had to go through daily life, surrounded by enemies. I’ve reached out, searching desperately for allies, for kindred spirits while being screamed at, kicked, and hurt for simply being who I am.  I’ve tried to disappear, blend in, not wanting those enemies to know it was me they were screaming at, kicking, … Read more

Jeff Baker; Boogieman in Lavender. Brown Grass.

Brown Grass By Jeff Baker A lot of things make me nostalgic this time of year, especially since I outlived my immediate family. I have some distant cousins I rarely see and some found family that I talked about in last December’s column. All of them have been hugely supportive. But that’s not what I want to talk about. I live in Kansas. Driving from one town to the other involves covering a lot of ground, usually on the highway. Lots of farmland and a lot of grass by the roadside. In spring and summer that grass ought to … Read more

Sources of Inspiration: Eternal?

I call my blog the Cauldron of Eternal Inspiration.  Sometimes I wonder if the very title is a lie. It’s my blog and I’m not eternal. No one is.  Recently, a major source of inspiration dried up, was reclaimed as something I can no longer use.  It wasn’t eternal, any more than I am, but our words remain as long as people read and remember them.  Perhaps this is enough for a writer to be eternal. To be read and remembered.  Perhaps my Cauldron will bubble as long as there’s something to add, stirring the creative juices, sparking creativity in … Read more

“Now What?” —-Jeff Baker, Boogieman In Lavender.

Election Night I wrote a very angry, very scared, very depressed version of this column. Apparently a lot of voters voted against their own self-interest and against society’s. Events like confidential documents probably shared with our country’s enemies and the attempted overthrow of an election in January 2021 have sunk down the collective memory hole of the American people. I’m upset, I’m depressed and I’m angry. All at people who should know better. People who voted and will probably be surprised at a tide of vengeance coming from the White House next year. People who voted for a guy who … Read more

“We Mostly Come Out At Night.” On Beyond Cisgender IX. – Boogieman In Lavender

For this ninth (!!!) installment of the column’s occasional feature “On Beyond Cisgender,” we go into a recent YA anthology perfect for the Halloween Season. This feature is about books recommended for High School readers that go beyond the usual “white, male, cisgender paradigm,” an idea suggested by Amy Liebowitz, (thanks very much!) several years ago. “We Mostly Come Out At Night,” edited by Rob Costello, published by Running Press Teens, Hatchette Book Group in 2024 features “15 Queer Tales of Monsters, Angels and Other Creatures,” to quote the cover blurb. Stories range from variants on a classic fairy … Read more