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Announcement: Chestnuts Roasting Anthology

We have a special Turkey Day announcement from Angel Martinez and Mischief Corner Books – a holiday anthology is being released today. Coming this November 27th from the Mischief Corner Crew, Chestnuts Roasting Anthology. Artwork by the talented Catherine Dair. Christmas means different things to everyone, but most often it’s all about pulling loved ones close and brightening the gloom. The fire’s crackling. The snow is piling up outside, even if it’s only in your dreams. Time to snuggle up with some cocoa and some stories carefully crafted by the Mischief Corner Crew to warm hearts and cockles. Wreath of … Read more

Announcement: Batting Cage, by Crawford Rhine

QSFer Crawford Rhine has a new sci fi book out: In this world populated only by men, Brand is the uncommon man who is sexually attracted to them, which comes in handy when he is delivered to his new Master in a cage. Excerpt Brand is a marked man in a world of unmarked men. The mark identifies him as someone who is eligible to go into Service. He has been ready for this opportunity for years and thinks it will never happen. Brand moves on with his life until he receives a call from a Master, Trent Parks. He … Read more

Announcement: The Fifth Son, by Blaine D. Arden

QSFer Blaine D. Arden’s Fantasy novel The Fifth Son comes out on 11/28: In a land where magic is commonplace, Prince Llyskel has none. He can’t command spells, he has never been taught to fight, and as the fifth son of the King, he will never rule. Everyone believes he’s a weakling, most of all himself. Powerlessness is Llyskel’s problem—and his pleasure. In his secret fantasies, the prince dreams of nothing more than finding himself helpless at another man’s hands… particularly the hands of Captain Ariv of the Guards. Then Ariv makes Llyskel’s dream a reality, and as the powerless … Read more

Announcement: Apollo, by Cree Storm

Today we have the third book in Cree Storm’s Twelve Labors series: Murray and Apollo have silently loved each other since the day they met. When they go to the lands below to find the stolen scrolls needed to release Zeus from prison, Apollo and Murray discover they are mates. Murray is blissfully happy until he is kidnapped. Taken to an old mining cave, Murray is scared. He knows that Apollo is doing everything he can to find him. However, Murray also knows that Hera and Aries will be there soon to take him and the scrolls away. Not wanting … Read more

Announcement: Precog in Peril, by Theo Fenraven

QSFer Theo Fenraven has a whole paranormal trilogy out: Gray Vecello meets Cooper Key, and the adventure of a lifetime begins as they explore the river on the houseboat Gray’s grandfather left him in his will. Three of Swords: An old houseboat, a hot young guy, a couple of murders, and more mysterious keys than you can shake a stick at: it’s an adventure Gray Vecello and Cooper Key will never forget. Gray has the sight, just as Graham had, but will it be enough to save them both? Knight of Wands: Gray Vecello and Cooper Key are back in … Read more

Announcement: Mythica, by Voss Foster

QSFer Voss Foster has a new book of Fantasy shorts out: Ghosts of the past and fairies of the future. Mythical creatures and magic gone awry. From the crash of the Hindenburg to magic-crazed visions of tomorrow, wonder runs just under the surface. Six fantasy shorts from author Voss Foster explore just how deep that magic runs. And how easily it can be exposed. Excerpt Bean Sidhe Thomas walked up to one of the faceless fae milling around the crystalline station. “Is the bean sidhe in?” It raised its hands palm to palm and light flooded the tethers. He watched, … Read more

Announcement: Invisible Curtain, by Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan is out with his third book in his paranormal sleuth series: Paranormal sleuth Corey Shaw is enjoying vacation with his family in the Baltic Sea when terrorists bomb restaurants hosting World Cup parties in London and Copenhagen, just as his cruise ship leaves port. Although the United States isn’t attacked, Corey and his colleagues are unavoidably drawn into the investigation with or without the blessing of international intelligence agencies. When a third bomb goes off in St. Petersburg, Russia, Corey is convinced the terrorist is aboard his ship, or at least connected with it. Corey is torn between … Read more

Take to The Sky Blog Tour

We’re participating in the Blog Hop for Gregory Jonathan Scott’s new book, Take to the Sky. We’re also giving away a copy – just leave a comment on this post with your name and email to enter by 11/20. Description An angelic romance that’s Powerful, Suspenseful, Sexy, Uniquely Erotic, and Romantic. In a secret Michigan Laboratory, an experiment developed a superior creation that was anticipated but not expected. He was the ultimate conception, a core life-being merged with avian. He was born with a gift, a rare one; the ability to fly. His wings instinctively brought out the urge in … Read more

Interview: Andrew J. Peters, Author of the Werecat Series

Today we’re fortunate enough to have an interview with Andrew J. Peters, author of the Werecat series and the book The Seventh Pleiade. So how many books have you published? I have three books out in my Werecat series, the début book in my Atlantis series The Seventh Pleiade came out last year, and its sequel Banished Sons of Poseidon is forthcoming in 2015. I also recently published a free short story called Mike’s Pond on Smashwords. Did you start out writing MM fiction? Some of my books, especially the Werecat series, are tagged or labeled MM, and I certainly … Read more