The world is broken. Fires, hurricanes, famine and disease haunt the land. We all need a little hope.
For this anthology, we’re looking for stories that depict a (near) future Earth that’s somehow better than this one, Show us a world post-climate change, where we made peace with the planet. Or a world where we moved past racism and into a broader understanding of the connectedness of all the races of humanity. How about one where gender no longer matters? Or where borders are no more.
We’re not looking for preachy. We want realistic depictions of the Earth that could be, even it it’s not perfect.
Whatever fix you choose does not have to be the main plot – in fact, it’s probably better if it isn’t. But it should be very clear in the story – how we got from here to there.
This is the first open submissions call from Scott & Mark’s Other Worlds Ink press.