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Writing Transgender

I’m about to start off on a new story, and have decided to include a transgender character with basically a gay orientation. I know a fair amount about the transgender community from covering the struggle for LGBT rights for six years. But knowing is not the same as living. I’ve decided to try to find an expert to help me get the details right. I’m not straight, but I write straight characters. I’m not a woman, but I’ve written female characters. I’m not a werewolf… well, you get the idea. But I think writing transgender characters is a bit of … Read more

Keeping the Focus

One of my greatest challenges is sticking to my planned writing times and actually writing for the whole hour I set aside each day for that purpose. The reasons are myriad. My phone buzzes when I get a text or facebook contact. I want to check for new emails I run a little late at “work” and use up some of my writing time the phone rings We have plans that conflict with my writing time I’m just feeling particularly ADD My plan is to always write from 5-6 PM, for an hour, without exception, but of course life doesn’t … Read more

QSF Member Book Announcement – Hybrids: Arrival

One of our new members, Chris O’Guinn, has a YA gay sci fi book to announce: The night that Joaquin witnesses the fire in the sky was the last night of anything normal for him. His world of high school and football is completely upended as he comes face to face with an extraterrestrial being. Thrace, as the alien calls himself, seems friendly enough. However, he has abilities that are far beyond human. And he comes with word that others of his race are already on Earth. Joaquin’s friendship with Thrace takes him into danger and chaos as he learns … Read more

Book Review: A Solid Core of Alpha

Hey all, I just finished reading Amy Lane’s “A Solid Core of Alpha”. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it’s the story of a boy, Anderson, who sees his entire world destroyed, and flees in a shuttle on a ten year flight all alone to find safety, and a man, CJ, who meets Anderson when he finally arrives at his destination. A good portion of the book revolves around the shuttle journey. And if you think that one guy in a shuttle would make for boring reading, you’d be wrong. Anderson learns to tinker with the … Read more

Looking for Inspiration

Where do you go when you need a little inspiration for your writing? What do you do? For me, it’s often music. Sometimes a certain song will tweak an idea in my mind, a seed that then grows into an idea for a story – not a simple retelling of the song’s lyrics, but more a feeling, an idea that springs from it. Other times, I’ll be stuck somewhere in a story, and I’ll be in the car on the way somewhere, and again a song will tease an idea free in my head, which will link to something else … Read more

My First Book Cover

OK. when I say I, I mean ours – it’s an anthology, and I’m only one of the authors. But still… My story Bear at the Bar, my first sale, is included. Woo hoo! While the anthology is mainstream bears, my story tips a little into the paranormal. On sale from Dreamspinner in August, I think.

Writing the Future

One of the most difficult things for me as a sci fi author is figuring out what I think the future will look like. Not just socially – that’s often the fun part, coming up with new social constructs to hang my story on. But also physically. What will the cities look like? What will gadgets look like? How will they work? How ill we eat? Communicate? Have sex? These can be fun things to figure out too, but they can also be writing minefields. Take, for example, computers. 50 years ago, they existed only as huge, room-sized things that … Read more

Looking for Bloggers for Queer Sci Fi

Hey all, We’re looking for some bloggers for this site – folks who want to do any of the following: Writing tips for LGBT sci fi, fantasy, supernatural writers Trendspotting Reviews of LGBT sci fi, fantasy, supernatural books Announcements of forthcoming or just released works in these areas If you’re interested in participating in our community, please let me know at :) –Scott

QSF Member’s Book Published: Gidealis Enigma

One of our new members, Griffin Garcon, just had his work published recently: Demi Gidealis is a child both gifted and enchanted. People use him as a psychic hound to hunt down objects and runaways. He resents that role but can’t help following the whispering trails of energy no one else seems to be aware of. His mysterious mother of another world, thought dead by everyone both haunts and helps him along the way. He grows up to learn lots of thrilling things about himself and face the stunning secrets of his origin. Just as he is planning to have … Read more