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Announcement: Walking in the Dark, by Adam Rossco

Walking in the DarkQSFer Adam Rossco has a new gay zombie tale out:

Zombies. Murderers. And something else…

“Walking In The Dark” takes place in a town called Escondido located in northern San Diego County in California. We are introduced to a world that is beginning to fall apart as zombies show up and quickly tear apart the human population. One family, who lives in a ranch style home on the outskirts of Escondido, fortifies themselves and for a time survives peacefully. The family is led by Nate, a small business owner who will do anything to protect his remaining family. By his side is his partner, Evan. Together they make a formidable team.

Life continues for Nate and his family as they learn to farm their land and avoid detection. Then a band of survivors hop the fence. One of them is an old acquaintance of Nate’s. They are heading toward a military research facility but need supplies. When the world was right side up Nate was known for his generosity. That reputation lingers in the mind of his friend who has brought his group to the ranch house. Reluctantly Nate allows them to stay on the condition they help keep the place safe.

With the group is Dr. Donald Colbert who has been studying a mysterious creature for decades. He’s even seen the elusive beast a couple of times as well. This creature has been trailing them and it isn’t long before it makes its first menacing appearance.

The family is forced out of their home when a lunatic attacks the place with his followers. A fierce battle ensues and there are casualties on both sides. Nate and the survivors flee and are joined by an old man named Edward. The man pretends to be one of the followers but in truth he is the leader of the group. Since his wife’s horrible death he has become a cold-hearted murderer. His only desire is to find a place quiet and out of the way to mourn and grieve.

Soon the surviving group makes a decision to head toward the military research base thirty miles away. They decide to move at night to keep their presence hidden. Trouble follows them on the road and when they finally do arrive at the base they find an unwelcoming group of soldiers. It isn’t long before zombies over run the base, the mysterious creature picks a side and Edward’s true colors are revealed.

“Walking In the Dark” is the first of a series following the rag-tag group of survivors as they encounter more zombies and many other hidden creatures in a world that doesn’t make sense anymore.


For this announcement, Adam is offering paperback copies of his first two books (they go together) Turning Left & Right After Left, both signed. Fpr a chance to win, just comment on this post with your email address included. :)

Buy Links

Paperback | Amazon


Nate always took watch in the middle of the night. The world seemed to be at its calmest in the dark. At least if a person were attacked by zombies in the night it was difficult to see the horror of the event. During the day everything was clearly visible. To Nate, not seeing the horror was better than living it.

The moaning of the zombies had quieted down as they seemed to slow down during the night; perhaps the cooler night air slowed the movement of blood in their veins. It could be they had terrible eyesight, which made sense to him since the bodies were dead. Maybe their eyesight wasn’t as strong the second time around.

A scream cut through the silence of the night abruptly. Nate stood up, gripping his shotgun firmly in both hands. He looked in the direction of the scream. It was a woman and she sounded horrified.

To their knowledge, no one else was living in the outskirts of Escondido. They had scouted the area looking for survivors after the initial outbreak had settled down. There were a couple of people left, back then, and since then were killed or had died. Nate could only imagine who the woman was. Her scream ended as quickly as it started. He knew what that meant.

Once the sound of feet dragging on pavement and mindless moaning returned Nate’s nerves calmed and he sat back down on the roof. While others were psychologically tested by the ceaseless moaning of the zombies, Nate had come to appreciate the sounds. He had turned them into something that relaxed him, like the ticking of a clock. The sounds were something to distract him from the heaviness in his heart and his crushed spirit.

He remained overly alert for the rest of the night.

Author Bio

Adam Rossco has always loved writing. He favors fiction and science fiction. With three books under his belt he is eagerly working on the follow up to “Walking In The Dark” which promises more zombies and more monsters. He resides in San Diego, CA where he takes long walks on the beach and uses his neighborhood as inspiration for the settings of his books. Connect with him at

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