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Announcement: Schrodinger’s City, by Matthew P. Buscemi

Schrödinger's CityQSFer Matthew Buscemi has a new Sci Fi book out:

On the surface of a sphere twenty kilometers in diameter, beneath a sky of swirling blue that offers light without a sun, there lies a city like no other. Hodgepodge personalities eke out something akin to survival, even a meager form of community. But City’s streets have begun to change abruptly, and one individual has left City of his own free will.

A path through frightening chaos leads either to opportunity or the further erosion of City’s bleary existence. A philosopher and a waitress both seek answers, in their own way and in their own times. Just as their paths diverge, so are they one in the same. For in City, perception itself has the effect of altering reality, and surviving the calamity will depend not so much on what its citizens do, as what they notice.

Buy Links

Fuzzy Hedgehog (paperback): Click Here

Fuzzy Hedgehog (eBook): Click Here

Author Bio

Matthew P Buscemi is a speculative fiction author and founder of Fuzzy Hedgehog Press. He grew up in Illinois, but left to explore the world. He has taught English in Japan and Thailand, and has studied linguistics in Hawaii.

Nowadays he lives with his partner in Seattle, Washington, where he types code by day and prose by night. He dreams of exploring the multiverse himself, but until humanity gets around to inventing a means of interdimensional travel, his imagination will suffice.

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