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ANNOUNCEMENT: Rising – L.D. Valentine

Rising - L.D. Valentine

QSFer L.D. Valentine has a new queer urban fantasy book out, The Coven of Zora Book 1: Rising.

When Xavier arrives home on the last day of school, he walks into a horrifying scene of his uncle being consumed by a demon. After being rescued by a vampire named Serea, he finds himself thrust into a dark reality as a fledgling witch. Now Xavier must chart a new life while within the confines of the mysterious organization known as Zora. Can Xavier and his fellow witches protect themselves and humanity from a plot that threatens their nation?

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Adam lifted his hand and formed a gun shape that pointed at Xavier. A small ball of water appeared at the tip of his finger. Xavier mimicked the action with a small ball of fire and grinned.

“You really want to start this?”

“What’s the matter? Scared?”

“You should be,” Danny said, “you’re outnumbered.”

He’d gotten up without anyone noticing and had a small ball of lightning pointed at Adam.

“I think not, good sir,” Nate mocked, standing up and pointing a ball of dirt at Danny.

Max sighed and held up his hands.

“I’m Switzerland.”

The four of them looked at each other, all poised and ready. Nate shifted slightly, and that was all it took. Each of them set off multiple shots while trying to find a more defensible location. Xavier gave a small grunt as a water bullet collided with the back of his shoulder, leaving a wet spot. He leaped behind the dining room table and returned fire, laughing when his shots hit Nate and Adam.

Danny suddenly appeared beside him and they took turns exchanging fire.

Author Bio

I am a music loving, video game playing, anime watching, comic book reading, movie debating, sword collecting ball of nerd who has an unhealthy relationship with tea and YouTube. Oh, and I love writing more than anything. I have always loved creating with words. My imagination was wild, and since I couldn’t draw to save my life, I turned to writing. Fast forward more years and I realize that queer representation is…in need of some help. I always enjoyed reading these amazing adventures in fantasy and sci-fi despite always being slightly depressed that I could never see myself in those characters. So I said, “To hell with waiting,” and decided to make my own. Now, with some effort and just smidge of luck, I will show this new generation that they can be the heroes. They’re meant for more than just being the side character, and I intend to show them that.

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