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ANNOUNCEMENT: Freedom’s Hope, by Steven A. Coulter

Freedom's Hope

QSFer Steven A. Coulter has a new MM sci fi book out in his Chronicles of Spartak series:

Warrior. Hero. Slave. A young man finds love in the midst of revolution.

Fighting to restore the America of legend, Spartak Jones becomes one. By 2116, the war between the ruling elites is now full frontal and the seventeen-year-old has become its celebrity warrior and icon for an America that used to be.

Kidnapped and taken as a trophy slave just a year ago, he remains his own man, willing to use his looks and other talents to survive and triumph. The liberal underground promotes his wholesome yet swashbuckling image to build support for democracy even while others plot for his destruction. Love may be his greatest weapon.

Is he a pawn or hero? How much evil is acceptable if you believe your cause is just?

From the Space Elevator, 22,000 miles above the earth, Spartak and Zinc McClain, scion of the nation’s richest family, launch an audacious scheme to thwart a religious war and a military coup.

Fast-paced, disturbing, heretical, uplifting, and ultimately romantic, the novel weaves science fiction, fantasy, politics and a strapping hero telling his own story.

This quote from Langston Hughes is really the theme of the book. Only now it is two queer men seeking to restore the America of legend, the land where every man is free.

“O, let America be America again—
The land that never has been yet—
And yet must be—the land where every
man is free…”

~ Langston Hughes, 1935



Steven is giving away an eBook copy of Book 1, Chronicle of Spartak: Rising Son. Comment on this post for a chance to win.

“If you love the Hunger Games, and want a bit more of a gritty and adult feel…” QueerSciFi

Rising Son


Here is a link to my website and a copy of the Prologue. In it Spartak sits in his underwear on the space station and thinks about his life this past year and how he survives. I use this soliloquy to bring new readers up to speed and remind readers of the first book what happened as they continue the adventure. A lot happened in Book 1.

Spartak calls his world trumpian. Book 1 was written before Donald Trump. But Book 2 uses his name to describe the dystopian world we created for Spartak by our actions today. So there is a strong political narrative under the hot heroes and action adventure. And a love story.

Author Bio

Steven A Coulter writes fast paced future-history about the world we are creating by our actions today. He mixes science fiction, young adult, action adventure and politics with a short-horizon focus, near enough to our own time that we can see the connections to the future with characters reflecting the range of human values and sexuality.

Steve’s work is enriched by his varied careers—soldier, teacher, journalist, state legislator, corporate executive and library commissioner. He has a BA and MA in Journalism and is a member of the board of Lambda Literary, a national non-profit championing new and diverse voices in literature. He lives in San Francisco with his husband, Greg.

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