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Announcement: Daemensions, by Brian Barr

DaemensionsQSFer Brian Barr has a new speculative fiction anthology out:

My new short story collection, Daemensions, is 2.99 on Kindle and free through KindleUnlimited! Daemensions is made up of two Carolina Daemonic short stories, a cyberpunk science-fiction thriller, a dark sword & sorcery tale, an urban occult fantasy short, and a gothic short fantasy story. 6, count them, 6… that’s right, 6 tales I’ve got all wrapped up in one book.

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Author Bio

Brian Barr is an American author. Brian has been published in various short story anthologies and magazines, including New Realm, Nebula Rift, Under the Bed, Queer Sci Fi’s Discovery, NonBinary Review, Dark Chapter Press’s Kill for a Copy, and Mantid Magazine. Brian collaborates with another writer, Chuck Amadori, on the supernatural dark fantasy noir comic book series Empress, along with Sullivan Suad and Geraldo Filho. His first novel, Carolina Daemonic, Book 1: Confederate Shadows, was published by J. Ellington Ashton Press in 2015. His second novel is Psychological Revenge: The First Super Inc. Novel.

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