Amanda Meuwissen has a new queer paranormal/sci fi book out: “After Vertigo.”
In a flash, the world changed. A solar flare—later dubbed Vertigo—activated the DNA of more than half the world’s people, granting them special abilities. Brilliant scientist Benjamin Krane might be Powerless, but his inventions are the only thing giving the police a fighting chance against super-powered evil. Ben doesn’t have much of a life beyond work, and when he gets wind of a robbery one evening, he decides to test his newest invention personally….
A thief, rogue, and shameless flirt, Grey Miller—aka the Streak—likes shiny things, but he doesn’t hurt people. When Ben catches him—and proposes they team up against the real bad guys—Grey doesn’t know whether it’s the offer or the man he can’t resist. But one thing’s for sure—they’re an ideal match in more ways than one.
With a psychotic supervillain’s catastrophic plan moving forward and everyone he cares about in danger, now might not be the best time for Ben to give in to Grey’s seduction, no matter how tempting. Grey is a man of secrets, and if Ben wants a future with him, he’ll have to learn to trust Grey—and himself.
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BEN WAS never rash like this. His sister, Beverly, often urged him to be more impulsive, but she probably hadn’t meant by risking his life.
Not that Ben was in danger! He’d be fine. The Streak had never harmed anyone before. Though maybe that was because no one had ever gotten in his way before….
Shaking that thought from his mind, Ben raced down the block from his apartment toward the jewelry store on the corner, then down the back alley. Even a super-fast thief had to be smart, and Streak’s previous heists had always shown evidence of typical breaking and entering—through the back.
Maybe Ben was too late, but just as he worried he’d missed his chance, the back door burst open and a sparking blur skidded to a stop.
“Who the hell are you?” The figure materialized into a man covered head to toe in black, holding an impressive-sized bag, overflowing with loot, over his shoulder.
Ben was certain he should have come up with some sort of witty one-liner, but all he could think to do was aim his gun and fire.
Author Bio
Amanda Meuwissen is a primarily gay romance writer, as well as Marketing Operations Manager for the software company Outsell. She has a Bachelor of Arts in a personally designed major from St. Olaf College in Creative Writing, and is an avid consumer of fiction through film, prose, and video games.
As author of the paranormal romance trilogy The Incubus Saga, young adult novel Life as a Teenage Vampire, the novelette The Collector, superhero duology Lovesick Godsand Lovesick Titans, and several titles with Dreamspinner Press, Amanda regularly attends local comic conventions for fun and to meet with fans, where she will often be seen in costume as one of her favorite fictional characters.
She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband, John, and their cat, Helga, and can be found at www.amandameuwissen.com.