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Announcement: A Scout is Brave, by Jay Jordan Hawke

A Scout is Brave - Jay Jordan hawkeQSFer Jay Jordan Hawke has a new paranormal book out:

In the months following the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, fourteen-year-old Joshua, a half Native American boy, is new to a Boy Scout troop and spending a week camping in northern Wisconsin. The weaker kids in the troop soon realize Joshua is not afraid to stand up to the troop’s ruthless bullies. Joshua’s bravery and kindness is infectious, and the bullied Scouts quickly find their own inner strength.

Joshua, however, is plagued by self-doubt as he realizes he has feelings for Cody, the son of the troop’s harsh and puritanical Scoutmaster. The two discover they have more in common than Scouting as they share their deepest secrets and develop a close friendship. That friendship faces its greatest challenge as the homophobic bullies claim a “faggot” has “infected” their troop. As if struggling to come to terms with his sexuality while dealing with hatred and bigotry isn’t enough, Joshua discovers the camp holds another dark mystery, one that will make him summon all his courage and learn for the first time what it truly means to be brave.


The laughter never stopped. Joshua took one last look at Tommy’s body, and the full impact of this cruel murder finally hit him. The slaying of Tommy Drapos was utterly cold and senseless. Tears poured down Joshua’s face as an empty sadness gripped him. But as he stared at the beast, the sadness transformed into an intense rage.

“You bastard!” Joshua shouted at the top of his lungs, challenging the demon.

Joshua could barely hear himself scream over the deafening sounds of thunder. No one heard his voice. For a second, he wasn’t even sure if he had screamed. The thunder and laughter masked his voice so completely. Yet somehow the creature had heard him, and the laughter stopped. Joshua saw the dark, shadowy figure turn and look toward him.

Joshua’s red feather suddenly flew from his hair, as if torn from him, and fell to the ground, weighted down by the downpour.

Fear suddenly gripped him. He was alone in the middle of the woods, the sole witness to a callous murder. The slayer was gazing menacingly at him.

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Author Bio

Jay Jordan Hawke is the author of two young adult paranormal novels, including Pukawiss the Outcast and A Scout is Brave. He holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. in history, as well as a second master’s in Outdoor Education. He loves everything sci-fi, especially Star Trek, and hopes to be on the first starship out of here. In the meantime, he teaches at a college prep school and anxiously awaits the day when he can write full time. His hobbies include camping, reading, running, and writing. He resides in Indiana. Visit him at

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