Today’s topic is from QSF’er Tracy Rowan: “Off the top of my head: How do you think about the role of gender and orientation in the future or in fantasy worlds? If you posit a distant future or a fantasy world with the same prejudices as exist in our world, why? If you don’t, why?”
Of course, the easy answer is “because I’m the writer and I said so.” But that masks a more complex one. What’s different about a society that accepts its LGBT population, vs. one that doesn’t?
We’ve come to a point where we generally have widespread acceptance in the us, especially for gays and lesbians, although I’d say support has lagged for our bisexual, transgender and asexual brothers and sisters. But that seems to be changing too.
So my questions today mirror Tracy’s – in a different world, how would you explore acceptance or rejection of sexual orientations different than the hereto “norm”? What factors in a society (religion, tradition, the eeeeew factor) influence this acceptance or rejection? And how can they be used in an alternate world to shed light on our own?