First off, thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday’s exercise on the Queer Sci-Fi discussion group – coming up with some great new topics for the blog and the group. I’ll start using these topics going forward, and will credit whoever submitted the topic originally.
Today’s topic comes from Angel Martinez – “Re-purposing/ re-imagining/ reinventing oral traditions as LGBTQ stories”. Angel has a bit of practice with this – I’ll let her discuss this on the group.
But it seems to me this could fall under either fantasy or paranormal (or even Sci Fi – See Vassily the Beautiful).
The idea here is to take a traditional story – Snow White, Cinderella, or something a little more arcane, and turn it into an LGBT fantasy or paranormal story.
So my question for you today has two parts – First, have you read anything, either LGBT or “straight” fantasy, sci-fi, or paranormal – that took a traditional story and gave it an updated spin? And Second, if you had to choose, what fable, oral story, or traditional story would you update with your own LGBT spin?
Discuss. :)