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John Barrowman Interviewed By Windy City Times

John Barrowman

John Barrowman is that rare person: the multitalented heartthrob.
Barrowman – who was born in Scotland and raised in Joliet, Illinois – may be best known for playing omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness on Doctor Who and its popular spinoff, Torchwood, although he’s fulfilling many a fan’s fantasy as Malcolm Merlyn on the CW series Arrow. ( This writer personally remembers him from the short-lived ’90s nighttime sudser Central Park West, or C.P.W.)… Windy City Times caught up with Barrowman last week, talking with him about his sci-fi work, Broadway, Robin Williams and Barrowman’s marriage to Scott Gill.

WCT: So how often are you asked about a Torchwood reunion?

John Barrowman: Every day, gosh, depending on where I am. If I’m on Twitter, there’ll be 500 questions like that, right off the bat, when I sign in. It’s every single day–and that’s something to be really proud of. When I go to conventions, they are continuing to ask, “When is Captain Jack coming back?”

The bottom line is that it’s not my decision; it’s the decision of the producers. Captain Jack was a creation of Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat and Julie Gardner, and he’s a BBC entity so it’s up to them if they want [Captain Jack] to come back.

Personally, I think they should bring him back. I love my career and I love Arrow, but I know the popularity of the Captain Jack character. He was a groundbreaking character for many, many people who were able to watch a gay man playing an omnisexual man who didn’t give a shit about what people thought about his sexuality. He changed the face of television, and I think it’s sad he’s not there any more.

See the full interview here.

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