Star Wars star John Boyega has seemingly crushed hopes of a gay romance in the film series. The film features a close bond between Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) and stormtrooper Finn (John Boyega) – with rumours spreading that Disney are setting up a gay romance between two of the film’s main characters.
Isaac added fuel to the fire by hinting at an undisclosed romance of some kind, adding: “I think it’s very subtle romance that’s happening.”
“You know, you have to just look very close — you have to watch it a few times to see the little hints. But there was.”
However, Boyega shut down the ship in an interview, according to Chris Mandle and the Metro. He wrote: “Sad news: John Boyega confirmed to me the Finn/Poe romance is not canon and it only exists ‘in Oscar’s head’ :(“