A new sci-fi film launching today on Vimeo On Demand has its sights set higher than galaxies far, far away. Credence, directed by Mike Buonaiuto, is aiming to redefine portrayals of gay characters in cinema.
It may sound like a lofty goal, but if there’s anyone equipped to pull it off successfully, it’s Buonaiuto. His previous work includes highly successful viral campaigns focused on LGBT parents, the military and the Sochi Olympics. He knows a thing or two about building momentum for a movement using online content. It’s that spirit that helped Credence rocket beyond their Indiegogo funding goals, eventually raising more than $35,000. The result is a stunning, emotional 30-minute film focusing on two LGBT parents, Scott (Alex Hammond) and John (Anthony Topham), struggling to do what’s best in the face of a world on the brink of destruction.
We spoke to Buonaiuto about the inspiration and reception of the film. Check out what he had to say, as well as the trailer below.
Full Story at Towleroad.com