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New Release: Intersecting Eternity – Margaret Babcock

Intersecting Eternity - Margaret Babcock

QSFer Margaret Babcock has a new queer space opera book out (bisexual): Intersecting Eternity.

In 2073, humanity made Goldilocks its new home, forming a unique bond with the planet. But disaster struck, and now, 130 years later, survival hangs in the balance. Enter Alice, a courageous young woman determined to uncover the truth about their forgotten alliance. With her partner, Dinah, and unexpected allies by her side, they race against time to restore the connection between people and planet, securing a future for humanity on this alien world.

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In the morning, Alice rose, feeling a sad calmness. She met her mother in the kitchen, falling into her role as helper by starting porridge while Janelle cut bread and shooed Jaren back to his room to get on his school clothes. Alice spoke when he had disappeared.

“Ma, I know Pa wants me to bond with Micah, and I’m willing to do that if I can go to the Academy after I have a child. Is that what you want me to do?”

The middle-aged woman turned to face her daughter. “Micah? I hadn’t heard that’s who he meant. I thought it would be someone closer to your age.”

“Nainai says it’s easier to make a first-bond with a more mature man. Who was your first partner?”

“Oh, no one you know, but yes—he was two revs older. His name was Brent. He had a forever mate in Mountain View. That’s where they raised the child.”

“You think an older man is better too?”

“Yes, for a temporary partner when a girl is young. But I wouldn’t have wanted to stay with Brent until he died.”

Alice considered her household mother. Janelle sometimes wandered in her thoughts when she was multitasking, but this segue made no sense.

“What do you mean, Ma? I’d only sign a contract for twelve months with Micah, like most first-bonds. He’s not sick or anything. I saw him yesterday, and he seemed fine.”

Instead of answering her, Janelle turned away, busying herselfby getting out plates and spoons.

Anxiety churned in Alice’s stomach. “Ma, what are you not

telling me?” She put her hand on her household mother’s arm, forcing her to stop.

Janelle frowned, looking at the restraining fingers. “You should talk to your father and Barbara about this. They came in before you last night and spent about an hour drinking wine, discussing the council meeting.”

“I know they decided not to pay what the Academy wants. But Pa said if I have a child for Far Meadow, I can go next rev.”

Janelle sighed and turned to face her daughter. “They weren’t planning that last night. Look—I don’t want you to leave the village. I have more to do here than I can handle and so does your Pa. We need you here. But it’s not right to make you heart-bond with someone at your age.” She shook her head. “It’s not right. I tried to tell them, but they don’t listen.”

“What do you mean, ‘heart-bond’?” Unease morphed into full- fledged fear, clawing up into Alice’s throat. Her voice squeaked. “I said I would do a first-bond with Micah, not a permanent partnership.”

“Well, Barbara wants all young adults to stay here now. She says the life of our village depends on it, because Seaside and Touch Down withdrew their support and service. The only way they could think of to keep you all here is to bring back the marriages they had on Earth.”

“But…but that’s crazy. What about mixing up the DNA? How can we make sure children are healthy? And anyway, they can’t force anyone to partner. That’s always been a free choice.”

“They have a point, Alice. No one will be healthy or free if we starve.”

Author Bio

Margaret Babcock is an Episcopal priest and author of two science fiction novels, Eden.2 and now Intersecting Eternity. Margaret’s vision of a future trajectory for humanity reflects her forty years of focus on growing and sustaining spiritual communities. Her short story “Bridge to Before” won first place in fiction at the Wyoming Writers Conference in 2015. Her non-fiction publications Rooted in God and New Growth in God’s Garden address the challenges of congregations living out inclusive faith with integrity in the present world. Margaret’s most recent adventure was moving from Wyoming to Tucson, Arizona, with her partner and three cats. They are thawing out nicely while enjoying extended family, birding, and hiking.

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