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New Release: Wolf Gift – TJ Nichols

Wolf Gift - TJ Nichols

QSFer TJ Nichols has a new MM paranormal book out, Outcast Pack book 7: Wolf Gift.

Mitchell Wright expected to die when he was captured by hunters. When they chained him and left him in the bush, he hoped to die fast. Instead, his fated mate showed up and saved him. Now he has to deal with his injuries for the rest of his life and he’s a familiar to a witch he doesn’t even know.

Coven Agent Penrith Flint thought he was saving the wolf shifter’s life, not finding himself a familiar. Because of how it happened—the wolf didn’t consent to becoming his familiar—he’s desk bound with his job on the line, while praying to the Fates to let the bond fade.

After four months it hasn’t.

When Mitchell turns up just before Christmas to see him, Penrith needs to decide if he’s willing to let the wolf into his life and risk his heart one more time. While neither of them wanted a fated mate, it is the gift they both need.

One wounded wolf shifter and a slightly bitter blood witch come together to discover that while love may not heal wounds, it makes them easier to bear and that finding Mitchell a pack is the family they both need.

For readers who like fated mates, found family, and wounded heroes.

Get It At Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo | Apple | Smashwords | Universal Buy Link


The elevator stopped on the ground floor, and it took Penrith several seconds before he stepped out. It wasn’t that he was scared of what Mitchell might say. Nor was it that he didn’t know anything about him as he’d read as much of Mitchell’s file as he could and did some more basic internet research.

The twisting in his gut was more like the sensation that came with a blind date, which he also hated. He’d met the wolf and had read the file, but he didn’t actually know the man who was his fated mate.

He didn’t know how Mitchell would react or how much time he’d need to process the news. He was grateful the Coven had left it to him to tell Mitchell about the bond. Penrith was surprised it had taken this long for Mitchell to turn up at the café and ask to see him. It was as though he was unaware of the connection.

He wiped his hands on his jeans and made his way to the cafe. He needed a caffeine fix before he saw Mitchell. He wished fixing it was that simple, but over the years, he learned nothing was ever that simple, and if it looked simple, it was going to end up biting him on the ass. He’d been bitten enough times that he was hardened or jaded, depending on the day. He glanced at the woman behind the counter and decided he didn’t need the extra caffeine in his system, only the extra few minutes it would take her to make the coffee.

“Black, no sugar, thanks.”

“Are you expecting this to go badly?” she asked.

Yeah, he’d expected this meeting to be conducted in public and under the watchful eyes of other agents. Dragging Mitchell into the Coven proper and making this meeting official was not the way to do it. However, they were surrounded by magic, and if things seemed as though they would go badly, they could retreat into the Coven offices.

“No idea.” He hoped the wolf had an inkling that something was amiss.

She handed him the cup. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” He needed it.

It was only after he had taken a sip that he turned to peruse the cafe. Mitchell was where Penrith expected, in the forgotten corner. That wasn’t its official name, though it was where unofficial friendly chats happened when agents didn’t want to freak someone out or weren’t quite ready to haul them in for questioning or any of the other multitude of reasons it was deemed a bad idea to bring the person in.

This was part of a job, yet also personal. He had a fated mate, and he needed to find the words to tell Mitchell. It was maddening that the wolf hadn’t realized.

He should have realized before offering his blood. The thought chased around his mind when he couldn’t sleep.

How had he not realized they were mates, aside from the fact he hadn’t been looking, as he’d been more worried about saving him?

And if he had, what could he have done differently, leave the wolf to die? No.

Mitchell lifted his gaze as though aware he was being watched.

Penrith sighed. Mitchell had been watched from the moment he’d walked into the cafe. He just didn’t realize. It must’ve been so easy for the hunters to grab him.

Penrith strolled over, pretending he was calm and this was normal, even though it was far from both. Mitchell’s gaze didn’t leave him. Did he recognize him?

Maybe not by face, but by scent.

Penrith pulled out a chair and sat. Magic whispered over his skin, keeping their conversation private from everyone else in the cafe. That didn’t mean a witch wasn’t listening and ensuring he didn’t coerce Mitchell into keeping the bond.

For a couple of heartbeats, Penrith stared at his familiar, and Mitchell stared back.

He was thinner than in the photo on file, and his blonde hair was longer, curling about his ears. But his eyes were still that warm brown that tipped into amber when he shifted. From the photos, Penrith thought him conventionally attractive to the point of boring. Now Mitchell was sitting in front of him, he revised that opinion even though he knew some of the attraction was because of the bond.

His magic was convincing his body that being within touching distance of his fated mate could mean only one thing. His blood heated, and his dick thickened, and the wolf would notice the change in his scent. He was a blood witch, but he had zero control over his dick—something he’d always found annoying and amusing, especially when he could control other people’s blood flow.

“Agent Penrith Flint.” He offered his hand. While none of the patrons could overhear them, they could see them.

Mitchell glanced at the offered hand, paused for a heartbeat, and shook it. “Mitchell Wright, but you already know that.”

Penrith smiled. “I have been following your case.”

That wasn’t a lie. He had been, though not directly. He’d been updated on his familiar’s status, which was annoying. But if he’d gone poking around the medical file or his psych reports, it would not have looked good. So he’d done everything by the book as requested.

Whatever happened from here on was not an accident. He had one chance to make a good impression, so Mitchell didn’t request breaking the bond.

Author Bio

TJ Nichols is the non-binary author of steamy and angsty MM romance, mostly in the paranormal romance and fantasy romance genres. They love writing about fated mates, enemies to lovers, found family, shifters, demons and other monsters. When not writing TJ likes learning new things such as knife making and glass blowing, which they like to call research. After traveling all over the world, TJ now lives in Perth, Western Australia.

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