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New Release: Starship Dominatrix – Dustin J. Craig

Starship Dominatrix - Dustin Craig

QSFer Dustin Craig has a new queer space opera out: Starship Dominatrix.

An epic LGBTQ science fiction space opera novel!

Based on the comic book, “Starship Dominatrix” follows the crews of the Dominatrix and the Submission, who don’t realize they are on a mission to save the galaxy from the Chimera Kyria, the human empire that controls the galaxy and enslaves alien and AI. The diverse LGBTQ crews composed of humans, aliens, an AI and an 8-foot-tall octopus must work together to overcome personal betrayals, harrowing sacrifices, and emotional journeys of redemption, while addressing love, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.

Along the way, they encounter a time anomaly with a Schrodinger’s kiss, escape from space pirates, get branded as war criminals with a bounty on their heads, and find revelations that make the reader question what it means to be human, all while carrying the universe’s most powerful weapon. They must deal with personal conflicts, strained relationships, and face their own personal demons as the reader questions what they would be willing to do for freedom and how far they would be willing to go to fight for it.

This unique and compelling story is fast-paced and action-packed that is sure to keep readers on the edge of their seats!

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Author Bio

I created BOFF! Comics because I enjoy telling powerful stories through scripts and illustrations. My experience with digital art and illustration are supported by the skills I’ve learned at Broadview Entertainment Arts University and Provo College. I’m proud to have created and published two comic books, “Father” and “Nine Inch NinJesus”, and have worked on three graphic novels by Dale Lazarov

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