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New Release: A Fighting Chance – Karenna Colcroft

A Fighting Chance - Karenna Colcroft

QSFer Karenna Colcroft has a new MM paranormal romance out: A Fighting Chance.

Trey Damone is falling in love with his partner Jeremiah Crawford. Hell, he might already be there. Crawford can’t picture his life without Trey and Trey’s young son Mikey, who reminds Crawford of his younger self. Both men are keeping secrets–and both agree that it’s time to reveal their true selves to their partner. Even if the revelations that Trey is a werewolf and Crawford’s boss is a sorcerer drive them apart.

As they navigate revealing themselves fully to each other, they learn that Mikey’s mother’s family, who have been trying to take Mikey away from Trey since his birth, have tracked them down. Trey will die if necessary to protect his son, and Jeremiah will do all he can to help. But even with help from a pack of werewolves and a reality-warping sorcerer, can Trey and Jeremiah keep Mikey safe?

This book includes references to past child abduction; past abuse; homophobia on the part of some secondary characters; abduction of an adult and threats of that adult’s death; and a sex scene between two men which, while consensual, involves one participant taking control of the other without prior negotiation.

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“Yeah. Maybe it does.” Trey bit his lip. “Anyway, so you earned my trust, and I asked my Alpha—the werewolf in charge of the pack I belong to—for permission to tell you the truth. I didn’t know if he would agree. A werewolf can petition for permission to tell a human romantic partner if the relationship has progressed to a point where telling the partner seems important.”

“Ours has.”

“Yes, but…” Trey hesitated. “You’re a man. I’m a man. I didn’t know what the Alpha would think about that. There are probably more gay werewolves than we’re aware of, but other than me, we only know about two others, and they’re a couple.”

Author Bio

Karenna Colcroft lives just north of Boston, Massachusetts, and has been in love with the city since childhood, though she has yet to encounter any werewolves, vampires, or other paranormal beings in her travels. At least none that she knows of. Though since in her non-writing life, under another name, she offers services as a channel and energy healing practitioner, it could be said that she herself is a paranormal being. The jury’s still out on that.

Karenna is a polyamorous, nonbinary human who splits time between the home she shares with her husband and the one she shares with her committed partner. She also has two adult children and a bonus son, three grandchildren, and two and a half cats. (Half in terms of time the cat lives with her, not in terms of the cat itself…)

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