Genre: Historical, Paranormal
LGBTQ+ Category: Gay
Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild
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About The Book
In the decade since being changed into a werewolf in 1920, Malachi has become used to being alone. But the appearance of bootleggers Jonathan and Roger on the beach below Malachi’s cottage shows Malachi what he’s been missing. He wants these men in his life, but he can’t ask them to stay.
The following day, Roger returns seeking Malachi’s help in rescuing Jonathan from the rum-runners who are holding him hostage. Can Malachi help the men while protecting his own heart?
Warnings: Nonconsensual voyeurism, references to child abuse and male prostitution in a character’s past
The Review
This novella about a lonely werewolf and two incompetent liquor smugglers is set in Depression-era Canada. The narrative style is awkward, but so tenderhearted as to make the reader embrace the narrator’s awkwardness.
Malachi is lonely because he’s a werewolf—something he didn’t want to be. But he also wants to be left alone, and is displeased when he overhears two young men who are clearly smuggling a crate of hooch from Canada into the USA. It’s the reason they’ve pulled their boat with its contraband onto Malachi’s beach that catches his interest—and ramps up his loneliness.
The two young men are in serious trouble, and the lone wolf realizes that he can’t let them suffer for their poor choices. Poverty and economic depression have driven many people into less-than-perfect lives.
Malachi rises above his hermetic little world of self-pity to make things better for people in need.
Four stars.
The Reviewer
The Paranormal Romance Guild was established in 2009 by 8 Indie Authors and one Reviewer to be a constant help for authors. You can be a free author member, submitting your work for review OR become a Premium Author Member for a small yearly fee and enjoy many extra services including Free Beta Reads, Author Giveaways and many others. Your reviews are posted on our 3 FB Sites, Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter and Instagram. WE REVIEW ALL GENRES LGBTQ+ welcome.
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