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New Release: The Toy Hospital – Rylan John Cavell

The Toy Hospital - Ryan John Cavell

QSFer Rylan John Cavell has a new queer adult horror book out: The Toy Hospital.

Christmas will never be the same again! Nestled amongst the coffee shops and boutiques of Manchester there slumps a Toy Hospital, where two old ladies spend their days fixing, healing, and loving the lost and unfortunate playthings that comes into their care. As Christmas approaches, so too does something else, something old, angry, and lonely. Dark shapes wind around the toys at night, as ghosts and ghouls make themselves at home.

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Coming soon.

Author Bio

I hate being idle. It takes a lot for me to take time to relax, as my brain is always on the go, looking for the next exciting thing. As such I have turned my hand to a great many creative outlets over the years.

I produced and hosted the radio show ‘The Gay Agenda’ on Fab Radio International, as well as the TV show ‘That’s Pride’ on That’s Manchester. I worked as ‘Original Fiction Editor’ for Starburst Magazine, and staged plays as part of the Manchester Fringe Festival five years in a row.

I have a huge pile of unfinished manuscripts, as well as a heap of ideas for future books and plays. One day I will find time to get them all written / finished!

I am also an illustrator, and Tattoo Artist, living and working in Levenshulme, south Manchester, UK.

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