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New Release: Demons Treasure Warlocks – Toshi Drake

Demons Treasure Warlocks - Toshi Drake

QSFer Toshi Drake has a new MM paranormal romance out, Monsters in Love book 3: Demons Treasure Warlocks.

With imminent destruction possible, and the trust of the townsfolk gone, can Darius and Bale work together and set things right to send Hastur back to his demonic dimension?

Darius has worked hard to get where he is now. He has a home, two cats and a close circle of friends. He doesn’t mind that lightning sparks out of his fingers when he’s about to lose control, or his former lover, Bale, keeps hanging around, waiting for forgiveness Darius doesn’t believe he deserves.

He is fine. Everything is fine.

Bale knows that trying to get back into Darius’s good graces will require perseverance and a lot of patience. He’s determined to do it though, because Darius is the world to him. Agreeing to work with Hastur nearly killed him but it was worth it to keep Darius safe.

He’s going to prove to Darius that he always loved him.

Though their world is in constant peril, and friendships are strained to almost breaking Darius and Bale will fight to the death to keep the Elder Demon, Hastur, from consuming their town.

With second chances, enemies to lovers, prickly heroes and their adoring demons, Darius and Bale will show that all saving the world takes is love and patience.

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Darius gazed up at the clear sky. A multitude of stars shimmered down on them, and Darius counted the constellations he recognized. Bale’s wings stretched out to catch every bit of stardust, and his face was lifted to greet the moon. 

Bale worshipped the sky in a way no other demon had. It was wholesome and awe-inspiring.

Darius wished he could do the same, but he was so tangled up in the raw magic and demonic energy that he wasn’t sure he’d be allowed.

An urge to scream at the sky overtook Darius, and he had to clench his hands tightly not to do it. This evening, while hard, had almost been cathartic. He’d managed to share some details about his capture with his friends, and it was okay. His world wasn’t on the cusp of ending. He was all right.

“What’s up?” Bale asked, his eyes ember red as he basked in the glow of the sky. 

“Honestly, I don’t know. I thought I could do this, and it’s… pretty fucking hard.” Darius scrubbed the back of his neck, his courage failing him. Bale dropped his head to smile at Darius. 

“Just do it. What’s the worst that can happen?” Bale asked. Darius opened his mouth to explain some things should never be asked. He didn’t have to be the negative person. He didn’t have to worry about lightning striking them down or evil bad guys getting in their way. He was fine. 

Rising on his toes, Darius held tight to the warm shoulders and giggled as Bale stepped closer, his wings wrapping around Darius and tickling him. Darius gazed into Bale’s cautiously hopeful face and inhaled deeply. He slid his hand up the sharp jawline that fascinated him endlessly and tipped Bale’s head so Darius could kiss Bale easily. The caress of lips, the exhalation of air while Bale squeezed Darius’s waist reflexively was so perfectly right. He sighed into Bale’s mouth and settled himself. The kiss deepened, and their connection grew stronger once more.

This kiss was more than a rediscovery. Darius knew intimately well what Bale tasted like and how he liked to be led in the first few moments of an embrace. Bale’s horns were an erogenous zone that Darius took advantage of by scratching the base, revving up Bale’s motor to full speed. The purrs rolling out of Bale’s throat soothed him as he wasn’t sure if Bale would appreciate being touched in such a sensitive spot now.

No, this reconnection was more than a casual act. It was a blessing. It was a confession and an offering. The stars shone brighter on them as Darius poured everything into the moment. Bale tilted his head to the side for a better angle as he lifted Darius into his arms. Words were unnecessary as Darius speared his fingers into the short strands of Bale’s hair.

Author Bio

Toshi Drake is a Canadian author who doesn’t mind snow that much.

Venturing out into the wild world of book land, Toshi plans on exploring everything that grabs their attention.

Slow burns, friends to lovers, sweet heat and fun characters. Expect the unexpected, especially the Spanish Inquisition.

A die-hard geek, there will always be some sort of pop culture moments as quotes and jokes make the world go ’round. Disney, anime, sci-fi, fantasy are all fair game. I dare you to find all the Easter eggs.

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