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Review: Gemini Kings – Laura Navarre

Gemini Kings - Laura Navarre

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Academy, Romance

LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Poly, Bi-Curious/Bi Awakening

Reviewer: Lucy

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About The Book

I summon the dragon. I claim my throne. The warlocks of Icarus Academy claim me.

I start my night with a heist in a Catwoman costume at a Vegas casino…and end up shifting into my dragon form for the first time ever in mid-plummet from the roof.

Except I can’t actually fly. Oops.

Turns out being the first dragon shifter queen to rule the witching world (while I’m simultaneously a student at the Icarus Academy) isn’t, like, a party. Especially when I go into heat. Because now I have…needs…that no warlock at the Academy can satisfy. Plus the only full-blooded male dragon shifter on the planet intends to kill all my warlocks and make me choose just him for my king.



Sweet Jesus, this Maxim guy’s causing a world of trouble. Vasili and Ronin are fighting over whether to kill him or kiss him. My wolf shifter headmaster Lucius has his paws full trying to keep us all from getting expelled. And my sweet bookworm Neo needs something new we’re all afraid to give him.

When a rival rises to threaten my throne, it’ll take major trust between me and all my warlocks—including that vicious dragon I’ve sworn I’ll never claim—to save us all from an assassination attack we’ll need a miracle to survive.

Gemini Kings is a New Adult dark witch academy why-choose paranormal romance and the sequel to Gemini Queen. This deadly duet delivers a seductive and lethal warlock court, teacher-student forbidden love, first-time MM, bi awakening, a satisfying climax (no cliffhanger!), and enough fast-burn heat to set your Academy uniform on fire!

For content notes, visit the author’s website.

The Review

I tried to start with Gemini Kings without reading Gemini Queen, and I really wouldn’t recommend skipping the first book. I quickly realized that I would never understand the nuances of all the relationships without reading the books in order. And there are a lot of relationships.

Gemini Kings is an excellent story but really isn’t a standalone. For maximum enjoyment, start with Gemini Queen. It will be well worth the time, and loss of sleep, to read this fabulous series in order.

This is a fast-paced fantasy that takes us back to the Icarus Academy, a college for magical students. Zara Gemini is the queen-in-waiting of the magical world. She was reluctant, to say the least, to assume the mantle of future queen. But in Gemini Kings, Zara is willing to play the role, while still learning how to harness her powers and how to save not only herself and her harem, but the entire magical world. 

Laura Navarre has created a fantastic version of a magical academy, filled with grim, gritty characters who could be friend or foe. There’s a lot of action and intrigue as Zara and her mates try to figure out who is trying to kill them, even as Zara is discovering new powers. There are quite a few well-written, steamy, explicit sex scenes, but they really are germane to the story and not just gratuitous sex.  

Like Gemini Queen before it, Gemini Kings really grabbed me from the beginning and kept me interested until the end. It was hard to put this story down until I’d reached the very last word. 

The Reviewer

I’m an avid reader who loves pretty much all genres except math textbooks. As a kid, my parents exposed me to everything from fairies, hobbits, and dragons to the biographies of interesting people around the world, interspersed with poetry, plays, and music. Into adulthood, I spent a lot of years with my nose buried in various textbooks. Now, I read whatever grabs my fancy.

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