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New Release: Lucky Jinn – Eule Grey

Lucky Jinn - Eule Grey

QSFer Eule Grey has a new FF fantasy book out: Lucky Jinn.

What’s a butch to do? Ignore everything she’s ever believed or listen to her heart?

Straight-talking gardener, Shelly, doesn’t understand why her flowers refuse to bloom and why the weather won’t do as it should. Give her a square patch of earth and she’ll bring it to life. Hand over a power drill, and Shelley can knock together a fancy bedroom in under a day. Physical tasks are easy. If only people were as straightforward!

The problems arise when she begins work on a garden near the sea. The owner insists the property has a water issue and demands an excavation of the area. Shelly digs deep, but the ground is dry as sand. In frustration, she talks to the flowers. A sweet voice answers from beneath the ground, and out flies a beautiful Jinni who badly needs the help of a buff woman. Shelly insists the voice is her subconscious. After all, it’s been a year since her last relationship. Everyone gets lonely. Right?

Magic? Get out of town!

Supernatural spirits? Nope.

Paranormal? Don’t make her laugh!

Kind, loving Jinni. The unluckiest of magical spirits with a history of choosing the wrong mistress. All she’s ever wanted is the love of a strong woman exactly like Shelly…

Can Shelly find the strength to believe what’s in front of her nose and make them both happy?

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While waiting for dinner to cook, I had the great idea of washing the lamp with washing-up liquid and a scrubbing brush. Maybe it would clean up and I’d be able to sell it? Perhaps it might be possible to trace its origin online. If nothing else, making the old lamp sparkle would cheer me up.

Being careful not to fully immerse the fragile container in water, I gently cleaned the wider section. It soon became obvious that an ancient type of cork had been placed into the funnel and was now stuck fast. Using a wooden chopstick, I began scraping at the mold until the whole item exited the lamp with a resounding pop.

A whooshing sound accompanied by a pinky-blue mist pushed me backward onto the kitchen floor. “Bloody hell!” I landed heavily, surrounded by lights, mist, glitter, and surrealness. As well, my normally cool kitchen became infused with an intense heat I’d only experienced while on holiday in countries with warmer climates.

Author Bio

Eule Grey, author, has travelled all over and settled, for now, in the UK. Her mind, however, is often in the clouds or away with the fairies. Some might call her fey. Eule loves books, pets, and happy endings. Adversely, she also enjoys reading a creepy horror story, though she isn’t very brave.

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