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Ink Is Here! And the Winners Are…

Ink Print Wrap

Ink is here at last, and it’s time to announce the top three winners! It was an incredibly difficult field this year, with 384 entries, our most ever! Everyone who managed to write a tiny story and get it to us on time should be proud. Flash fiction is not easy!

Here are the winners, along with our combined judges’ comments:

Ink 3rd Place

Mixology, by Emilia Agrafojo

The judges chose this one for its imagination, sweetness and joy. It managed to be both on-theme and different from any other submission in the contest. A lovely story that leaves a smile on your face.

Ink 2nd Place

Colours of Union, by L.S. Reinholt

The judges chose this story for one of the top three spots in part because the way the queer representation was so beautifully woven into such a small tale. They also loved the way the ace/aro character union of one was simply a part of life in the world.

Ink 1st Place

Soulink – Ava Kelly

The judges loved this story, both for its unusual format and for its heartfelt ace representation. One judge in particular praised its modern updating of an old story form, the epistolary tale (stories told through an exchange of letters). And the  judges loved the story’s flawless authenticity which kept “Soullink” from feeling gimmicky.

Congrats to the winners – we hope you enjoy all the stories!

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