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ANNOUNCEMENT: Draw Dead – O.E. Tearmann

Draw Dead - O.E. Tearmann

QSFer E.E. tearmann has a new queer cyberpunk book out, Aces High, Jokers Wild Book 5: Draw Dead.

There’s a calm before the storm…

In 2159, the Democratic State Force gains ground every day. As they fight to bring representative democracy back, they become heroes to the citizens indentured to the United Corporations of America. Widely spread guerilla units support the first civilian protests the country has seen in decades. Now it’s the Corporations on the defensive. And they are getting desperate.

On Base 1407, the Wildcards start to think they just might help the former United States wake up from its nightmare after all. In spite of the hints of internationally banned weapons the Corporations may have up their sleeves, there’s hope. People whisper that maybe, someday, they might just win. But you should never say something like that too loud.

Fate’s a bitch.

You don’t want to tempt her.

Get It At Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Kobo


“Sarah, honey, pause it a sec.”

“What’s up?” Sarah asked, flicking the screen into stillness.

Slowly, the plan bubbled to the surface of Yvonne’s brain. She felt herself start to grin. “Pass me my tab. I think I got an idea.”

“The good kind, or the ‘we are so getting written up for this’ kind?” Sarah asked, leaning in. “Either’s fun, but a heads’ up is good, if Liza is going to shout.”

“Probably not write-up, I thiiiink,” Yvonne replied as she pulled up her messaging screen, typing. She was still getting used to the new messaging app that worked off the Meshnet Tweak had created.

Message Handle:NineOfHearts

Message: Hey Tweak, you on?

The screen blipped

Message Handle:DeuceOfDiamonds

Message: Dumb question. I’m always on. What’s up?

Yvonne raised her eyes, grinning at her wife. Then she typed. About two minutes after she’d hit send, a message came back.

Message Handle:DeuceOfDiamonds

Message: Yeah, easy. But if Janice goes after me for this, I’m telling her it was you. You get blamed, not me. Deal?

Yvonne laughed, shooting a quick smiley face and ‘deal!’ in reply. Then she raised her head and kissed Sarah.

“Tweak’s going to write an algorithm that sorts ag folks and finds people who’re a good personality match for Janice; she’s going to borrow some stuff out of her psych-coach program for it. We’re going to bring home an ag guy who’s right for Janice. What do you think?”

Sarah grinned, leaning for a long kiss. “Baby girl, I think you’re a genius.”

Yvonne ran her hands up to card her fingers through Sarah’s feathery hair. “You want to show me how impressed you are?” She offered, adding a little tongue to her kisses. That was all the invitation Sarah needed. She pressed her body into Yvonne’s. An hour later, they fell asleep grinning.

Author Bio

O.E. Tearmann is the author of the Aces High, Jokers Wild series. Their books include strong themes of diversity and found family, providing a surprisingly hopeful take on a dystopian future. Bringing their own experiences as a marginalized author together with flawed but genuine characters, Tearmann’s work has been described as “Firefly for the dystopian genre.” Publisher’s Weekly called it “a lovely paean to the healing power of respectful personal connections among comrades, friends, and lovers.” 

Tearmann lives in Colorado with two cats, their partner, and the belief that individuals can make humanity better through small actions. They are a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, the Colorado Resistance Writers and the Queer Scifi group. In their spare time, they teach workshops about writing GLTBQ characters, speak and plant gardens to encourage sustainable agricultural practices, and play too many video games. 

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