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CULTURE: Boys Can Be Princesses Too

A children’s party planner has gone viral with a photo campaign she calls “Boys Can Be Princesses, Too.

In a profile on late last month, photographer Kitty Wolf discussed the project, in which she assembles photoshoots with boys dressed as their favorite princesses, complete with actors in character, and its origins in her career as an event planner. 

“I used to do princess parties where I dressed up like a princess character and visited children on their birthday,” says Wolf. “Once, I visited a boy who loved ‘Frozen,’ and he was even dressed just like Elsa. He was over the moon to have a real princess at his party and had a blast the whole time, same as all the girls I’ve done parties for.”

She goes on to tell the story of an experience she had at a pre-school performance, when she overheard two young girls scolding a male classmate for pretending to be a princess.

Full Story at the Washington Blade

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