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Sci Fi Futures – Near or Far?


Today’s topic – how do you like your sci fi – near or far?

There are a lot of great stories out there that take current trends and extrapolate them into the near future. The film “Her” was one of these that I really enjoyed, because it had that “just-around-the-corner” feel, like it could actually happen within a few years. I loved this film’s ideas of how we might soon interface with tech.

Then there’s a branch of sci fi that’s set so far in the future that it’s no longer recognizably connected to our present – or is in another universe or reality entirely – think Star Wars.

And of course there are many stories that are in-between.

So how about you? Do you prefer reading / writing LGBTI sci fi that is present-day or near future on a recognizable Earth? Or In our more distant future? Or in some place/time totally unconnected to the now? And why?

Examples, please. :)

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