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Sources of Inspiration: Ideas

For me, sources of inspiration are closely linked with ideas. Much of my inspiration comes from one that pops into my head. I mull it over, allowing it to take form. I start writing about it, allowing it grow and spread across the piece of paper or file. Before long, I have a scene, a paragraph, a segment of dialogue. I start thinking about the circumstances which led to that dialogue, writing it down.

Before too long, I have a story.

Ideas can lead to other creative works as well, like blog posts or interviews. An idea allowed Quartz, not so deceased dwarf in Fairest to hijack my imagination. He decided to take over the Forbidden Cauldron (one of my blogs at and my Facebook Author Page once a month to do Secondary Characters Speak Out. There Quartz complained about his various annoyances as a secondary character, encouraging others to do the same.

I lamented about this with fellow Queer Sci Fi author, M.D. Neu at lunch recently. Victor, his vampire leader of the Dark has been causing quite a bit of trouble in the sequel to The Calling, threatening to take over the story.

An idea struck me. I asked M.D. Neu if he’d like for Quartz to interview Victor for a Secondary Characters Speak Out post.

He thought this might be fun. He warned me Victor could be difficult.

Considering how difficult Quartz can be, this could get interesting. Besides it’s not as if all of my own characters have been willing to talk to him.

Therefore Secondary Characters Speak Out will have its first guest character courtesy of another author, thanks to an idea.

How about you, dear readers and writers? Have any ideas ever taken you in unexpected directions of late?

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