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Announcement: Good Enough to Eat, by Alison Grey and Jae

cover_Good-Enough-To-Eat_500x8001The writing team of Alison Grey and Jae has a new FF vampire book out:

Robin’s New Year’s resolution to change her eating habits is as unusual as she is. Unlike millions of other women, she isn’t tempted by chocolate or junk food. She’s a vampire, determined to fight her craving for a pint of O negative.

When she goes to an AA meeting, hoping for advice on fighting her addiction, she meets Alana, a woman who battles her own demons.

Despite their determination not to get involved, the attraction is undeniable.

Is it just bloodlust that makes Robin think Alana looks good enough to eat, or is it something more? Will it even matter once Alana finds out who Robin really is?


A vampire walked into an AA meeting. It sounded like the beginning of a bad joke, and maybe it was. Other Girah would certainly think so if they knew where she was.

Yeah, but you’re not exactly walking into an AA meeting, are you? Coward! Robin sat in her car in the church parking lot. She had driven all the way to Brooklyn from her Central Park condo to avoid running into anyone she knew. Her fellow Girah wouldn’t be amused if they saw her hanging out with a bunch of human alcoholics. For at least half an hour, she had been staring across the street at the Romanesque building with the tall spire but couldn’t make herself go in. It wasn’t the crucifix above the main portal that stopped her from entering. Her kind had been around much longer than Christianity, so, despite what humans might think, crosses didn’t harm or repel her. The color of the side door seemed to mock her, though: a rich, bright crimson exactly the color of fresh blood.

Three humans stood outside the door, smoking and joking around with each other. She doubted they were there for the AA meeting. They looked too healthy. Too happy. Too normal.
Robin was neither happy nor normal, and after not drinking blood for four days, she didn’t feel very healthy either.

This isn’t right. She didn’t belong here, to this group of humans. But where else was she supposed to go? She grinned wryly. It wasn’t as if she could walk into a Bloodsuckers Anonymous meeting. She had tried Overeaters Anonymous, but the sight of all those well-nourished humans made her feel as if she’d walked into a restaurant with an all-you-can-eat buffet.

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Author Bios


Jae grew up amidst the vineyards of southern Germany. She spent her childhood with her nose buried in a book, earning her the nickname “professor.” The writing bug bit her at the age of eleven. For the last eight years, she has been writing mostly in English.

She used to work as a psychologist but gave up her day job in December 2013 to become a full-time writer and a part-time editor. When she’s not writing, she likes to spend her time reading, indulging her ice cream and office supply addiction, and watching way too many crime shows.


Alison Grey

Alison has been writing since the age of ten. Her first works were poems and short stories; then she wrote her first novel-length book when she was eleven. It was a Star Trek: The Next Generation fanfiction.

In addition to writing, Alison likes spending her spare time with her friends. The vegetarian also loves cooking and baking. If she’s got enough time, she reads books about history and about social and political sciences.

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